The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Steve’s helped Tartan Army to hold their heads high


The Scotland games are back this week and you can feel the excitement already.

Steve Clarke takes his players to Georgia on Thursday and then Norway visit Hampden on Sunday.

On more times than we care to remember in this millennium, we are usually unlikely to qualify at this stage of proceeding­s.

But not this time.

No, we are on our way to Germany next summer for the 2024 Euro Finals and I am so proud of everyone involved.

To think we had maximum points from our opening five games is quite incredible.

Seeing us top the group at that time is an image that will never leave me. It was just great.

I hope we can finish this qualificat­ion

National boss Steve Clarke.

campaign with 21 points but it doesn’t matter if we don’t.

Whatever happens in the next two games can’t detract from how brilliant Steve, his backrom staff and his players have been.

I’m also delighted for the Tartan Army.

For over 20 years, they have endured so much pain and misery as we failed to qualify for far too many major tournament­s.

But I think they feel the respect is back and they can hold their heads high as they move from country to country to support the team.

The credibilit­y is back for Scotland and the supporters, players and management should feel very proud.

It’s been a job very well done in the past nine months.

The players have been outstandin­g and have all played their part.

From Angus Gunn being introduced as the goalkeeper, to the goals of Scott McTominay from midfield. It’s just been a great pleasure to see it all unfold.

It’s been wonderful to watch the players grow and mature and there is much more to come from them.

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