The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Mobile etiquette shows young folk make wrong call on phones

- By Emma Lawson

Mobile phones have become a bone of contention between the generation­s as younger people are frightened to answer unexpected calls, according to a new report on etiquette.

Debrett’s, the 250-yearold authority on courtesy and politeness, has issued the “new rules of mobile etiquette”, which outline 10 commandmen­ts for modern communicat­ion.

They include encouragin­g older people to send a text prior to making a phone call as messaging is now considered “a much less stressful way of initiating contact” with friends, family and acquaintan­ces.

The guide, released last week, notes that a century ago the telephone was seen as a status symbol and “not answering it was seen as deeply eccentric”.

However, younger generation­s, who carry a phone wherever they go, are now increasing­ly uncomforta­ble with what used to be its primary function.

An unexpected call, Debrett’s says, is routinely ignored as people now prefer to send texts or emails, which the organisati­on calls “less direct methods” of reaching out. It advises: “Don’t expect unannounce­d social calls to mobiles to be answered unless you are calling someone from an older generation who still possesses vestiges of the old obedience to the phone’s clarion call.

“Many people make calls (inevitably unanswered) as a simple and convenient way of ensuring there is a ‘missed call’ notificati­on on the recipient’s screen. This might elicit a response, but a text is a politer and more informativ­e option. Business calls are a different matter and are likely to be answered with much more willingnes­s and alacrity.”

It’s not just the older generation that needs to change behaviour, as millennial­s and Generation Z are encouraged to give their full attention to calls, be patient with older people using new technology and keep their conversati­ons private.

“Keep phone calls to yourself,” the guide advises. “If you’re making a video call in a public space (or if you’re just too lazy to hold the phone up to your ear) you must use headphones or earbuds.

“Nobody should be forced to listen to your phone conversati­on – it will be annoyingly distractin­g and might be intrusive or embarrassi­ng.

“The person at the other end might object if they realise their conversati­on is audible to a train carriage full of unwilling eavesdropp­ers.”

 ?? ?? Younger people prefer to text rather than make calls.
Younger people prefer to text rather than make calls.

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