The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Cammy’s delight as Baz put the icing on the cake


Cammy Kerr insists having Barry Smith as a guest of honour topped off his testimonia­l – because he’ll never forget his Dens Park departure.

Kerr celebrated 10 years at his beloved Dundee during last Thursday night’s testimonia­l match with a Celtic select side on Tayside, having initially been taken under his wing as raw teenager by former gaffer Smith.

Back in 2013, club legend Smith was shown the door by the Dark Blues after making 400 appearance­s for the club as well as being a member of their Hall of Fame.

It was a decision which left many somewhat sour and local lad Kerr, for one, found it hard to take.

Kerr said: “It’s no secret that Barry was my hero growing up.

“He was the last one in the dressing-room before I went out on Thursday night and his advice was just to savour and enjoy the whole occasion.

“Barry’s departure from Dundee as manager upset a lot of people including myself. I know it even affected people who worked behind the scenes as well.

“I don’t think some people fully appreciate­d the hold he had on the club and the kind of personalit­y he was right throughout it.

“I was devastated when it happened. After all, he taught me so many good things when I was coming through the ranks – like respect and discipline.

“We’re kind of similar in that we both wear our heart on our sleeves. And we both absolutely love Dundee as a club.

“I’m still in awe of Barry and get nervous when I speak to him. So for him to be there the other night and take part was the icing on the cake.”

Kerr admits he’s still pinching himself after former stars such as Julian Speroni, Juan Sara and Fabian Caballero all returned to Tayside for Thursday’s friendly with the Hoops.

He added: “I’m still buzzing from Thursday night. I think it will take a few more days for everything to actually sink in.

“As a lifelong Dundee fan, I just want to treasure this moment. To see people like Julian Speroni and Juan Sara travel to take part is quite humbling.

“I want to take a bit of time to reply to messages, read some cards and just try to appreciate all the goodwill.

“I’m still only 28 but as you get slightly older, you realise what’s important to cherish.”

 ?? ?? Cammy Kerr salutes the Dens faithful.
Cammy Kerr salutes the Dens faithful.

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