The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Potting Shed


Welcome to my potting shed! This is the column where I’ll share all my gardening hints and tips – and I’ll try to answer any queries you may have.

The peonies that I planted several years ago have never flowered. What can I do to encourage them to bloom? – Hilary Dalton, by email.

The most common causes of non-flowering in peonies is planting them too deeply and positionin­g them in shade. You can solve both by setting them with the crowns just under the soil in a sunny spot.

What’s been eating the pea shoots that were growing in my greenhouse? – Chris Walker, Largs.

Mice are voracious eaters of peas. Try covering the trays with fine wire mesh to prevent them from gaining access.

How do I divide an evergreen agapanthus, the roots of which have broken through their existing pot. – Fiona Menzies, by email.

Remove the plant from the container and divide it into sections using a very sharp knife then replant in gritty soil. Use pots that are just big enough as agapanthus performs better when its roots are constricte­d.

Is it worth deadheadin­g daffodils? – Ian Peterson, Banff.

Deadheadin­g prevents the formation of seed and directs energy to the roots, so it’s a good idea to do this with daffodils grown in borders. If you are naturalisi­ng the bulbs in grass then the seed will help them spread, so leave these untouched.

Are there any perennials that will thrive in a north-facing border? – Jo Taylor, by email. Astrantias and foxgloves will both suit this position and aquilegias would relish it. Think too about adding interestin­g foliage, with a range of different hostas. email your questions:

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