The Sunday Post (Newcastle)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- withJaneRi­dder-Patrick


There’s a lot going on beneath the surface with you at the moment. If there’s some injustice or niggle bothering you, think twice before reacting impulsivel­y. There is a time to speak out and a time to hold your peace. Your intuition, not your righteous anger, is your best guide at the moment.


Your ruler Venus moves into Taurus from tomorrow for a month, so don’t miss the opportunit­ies this brings for fun and romance. Inspiratio­n about money matters could come out of the blue midweek and may be worth following through. It’s time to get active with good friends towards the weekend.


It’s best to avoid ‘I am right and you are wrong’ attitudes this week. Deciding what’s fair in the give and take of friendship may not be easy now, but you should be clearer by Friday whether anything is out of balance. You’ll then be able to work out how to bring about changes.


Your mind is at its sharpest now so it’s worth spending time before Friday analysing a career or community matter and deciding how you want to proceed. Some things are best left unsaid so resist the temptation later in the week to give a spiky answer, especially about political matters.


Don’t bite off more than you can chew this week. Finish a bit of work at a time properly before moving on to the next task, or you could end up feeling frustrated instead of satisfied. You should be able to achieve a great deal in your non-domestic life now with the help of those around you.


Your mind is on life’s deeper mysteries this week, and you’re developing your own theories about them. Not everyone will agree with you, but you could enjoy discussing them with anyone who will listen. Just don’t get too heavy with your opinions or you could spoil the debate.


You could be feeling bogged down in the daily grind right now, just when you’d much rather be getting away from it all. Be patient, you can deal with this in time, but the more you take care of what’s under your nose right now, the easier the next month or so will be for everybody.


Venus moves into your partnershi­p sector tomorrow promising harmony and selfindulg­ence if you’re willing to share. A home project may need revamping over the next few months. Friday’s an ideal day to set the ball rolling to achieve results. Just try not to be a killjoy now.


This week brings yet another chance for a big clear out at home of either past its best household clutter or old emotional baggage. Grasping the nettle should leave everybody feeling much lighter and happier. Making improvemen­ts made in your diet now could bring long-term benefits.


Other people could prove helpful now, taking some burdens off your shoulders. Showing your appreciati­on will mean a lot to them. Pushing gently rather than shoving when it comes to dealing with neighbours or siblings will give you a better chance of getting exactly what you want.


Don’t make mountains out of molehills this week. By finding out what’s really bothering you and fixing that you’ll be keeping yourself on track and helping those around you too. Compromise with a family member is called for later in the week.


Much as you’d like to rush ahead, slow down and think carefully about what you’d like to achieve, especially with friends. With a little patience and planning you’re likely to get what truly suits you. Focus on your dreams towards the weekend and you’ll find that inspiratio­n comes from the unlikelies­t places now.

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