The Sunday Telegraph - Sunday



Most of us have some “magic water” (as the product was called by the American Indians) in the bathroom cupboard, but not enough of us grow the “magic” plant – witch hazel. These superb winterflow­ering shrubs are known for their long flowering of between four and six weeks. They display curious, and beautiful, spidery flowers that exude a sublime, somewhat spicy fragrance. Their colours range from pale yellow through orange and strong reds, and even purple. Witch hazel ( Hamamelis virginiana) was long known by the American Indians to have amazing properties for healing swellings and bruises. Now it is used in deodorants, pile cures, to clear spotty skin, remove bags under the eyes and much more. It is classified by the US Food and Drug Administra­tion as a class 1 drug, which means it can make efficacy claims. The “magic water” was made by coppicing the whole plant and boiling up the bark, stems leaves and wood and then distilling it. It is still a “natural” product and, given its properties to soothe, one that should be in every gardener’s cupboard. Their common name is partly due to the resemblanc­e of their leaves to the common hazel (of which they are no relation) and partly from the Old English wice (as in wych elm) which means pliable or bendy and relates to their twigs and young branches. These were also used for divining water. Chris Lane breeds them and has a national collection at his nursery in Newington, Kent (witchhazel­ His fascinatio­n with the plant began in 1978 when he was teaching nursery stock production at Hadlow College. He was examining the stock after two long nights of -18C temperatur­es and saw the witch hazel’s slightly shrivelled flowers. By midday it was a chilly -1C, yet all the flowers had uncurled and were unblemishe­d by the rigours of the frosty night. No other winter-flowering plant we grow, not even cherries, have flowers that remain unscathed at those extremes. From December until March, Chris can snip a bunch of flowering twigs and bring them inside where they will entrance a room with their heady fragrance. They will last for a good week in water, or two weeks in a cooler room. For this alone, they are worth planting. I invariably like to decide where I will place a plant while I am musing whether or not we should become better acquainted. My witch hazel will have to go beside a regular walkway (for a daily fix) in a confined space (to hold the scent) preferably with backlight to highlight their flowers. Choosing their bedfellows is also important as is the position in the bed. Put them to the fore so you are not trampling everything in your wake to sniff their flowers. Despite the fact that my soil is ph8, which is pretty limy, and witch hazels prefer neutral or slightly acid soil, I am hooked and am ready with wheelbarro­w loads of compost to help, I hope, remedy my conditions. I will plant one in a pot as well, so I can move it right by my kitchen door when it is at its peak. Maybe you sense an element of urgency in all this, but I will be waiting around 10 years to have 6ft high eye-catching specimens. It takes three to four years to get into its stride and will be demanding more, rather than less, of your attention each year. I think witch hazel’s slowness to bulk up is probably one of the reasons that the numbers grown are minimal compared to the ubiquitous forsythia. Chris started his national collection 20 years ago, by acquiring two rows of 50 plants with about two to four of each variety, which was almost all that were around then. They were planted in an open field, in full sun. Many think they thrive in woodland glades, but while they will grow in shade, they are more

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 ??  ?? Hamamelis x intermedia (from top left to right): ‘Aurora’; ‘Frederic’; ‘Vesna’; ‘Diane’ and Bunny’s favourite, ‘Foxy Lady’. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ above
Hamamelis x intermedia (from top left to right): ‘Aurora’; ‘Frederic’; ‘Vesna’; ‘Diane’ and Bunny’s favourite, ‘Foxy Lady’. Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ above

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