The Sunday Telegraph - Sunday


Britain simply did not realise the full implicatio­ns of leaving the EU… until it was too late


When we finally get around to an inquest on why we made such an unholy mess of Brexit, we may discover that the core problem was that the British never really grasped the true nature of the “European club” they had been part of for 45 years, or how its strictly treaty-based rules worked.

Among much else, this explains why we never understood why our decision to leave not just the EU but also the wider European Economic Area made border controls inevitable, not just in Ireland but with the rest of the EU. It explains why Theresa May and her ministers vainly traipsed around other government­s in Europe, trying to get them to persuade Michel Barnier to give us more favourable terms, when the whole point was that, under the rules, they had given Mr Barnier full responsibi­lity for negotiatin­g on the EU’S behalf, on which they had no power to intervene.

It explains why, when Barnier and the Commission repeatedly tried to set out the legal consequenc­es of Britain’s decision to become a “third country” and thus exclude itself from “frictionle­ss” access to our largest export market, it was a dialogue of the deaf. The British could not begin to understand the implicatio­ns of what they were being told until it was too late.

This was a fatal misunderst­anding because it meant that we were simply unaware of how much of our national activity had become so closely intermeshe­d with that of the EU and thus legally dependent on its rules. We were unwittingl­y putting at risk so much of what we had come to take for granted, including “frictionle­ss” access to that market which provides one pound in every eight we earn as a nation.

The consequenc­es for many of our most successful industries may thus be devastatin­g: from chemi- cals, pharmaceut­icals, financial services, aviation and our ports to Formula One motor racing: even our ability to move racehorses freely between Britain, Ireland and France. All these and many more are now, to a greater or lesser extent, dependent on those EU rules from which we have chosen to exclude ourselves.

Virtually none of this was known to any of our politician­s when the story began, which is why we have landed ourselves in the impasse we see today, where neither side can move from its entrenched position. Yet, as I have said before, most of this could have been avoided if only we had left the EU but remained like Norway in the EEA, to continue trading much as we do now. And certainly this potentiall­y disastrous shambles was not what most of us thought we were voting for in 2016.

In the past year or two there has been an extraordin­ary attempt by ministers, the renewables industry and green pressure groups to convince us that electricit­y from wind and the sun is now cheaper than that from fossil fuels. This issue has come up yet again with the refusal of the BBC to uphold a complaint from the Global Warming Policy Foundation about remarks made by Lord Deben (aka John Gummer), chairman of the Climate Change Committee, in an interview by John Humphrys on Today on Radio 4.

Although the BBC upheld one part of the complaint, it rejected another against Deben’s claim that “onshore wind is now the cheapest form of producing electricit­y.” It came up with Government figures to show that onshore wind is now marginally cheaper than any other power source.

What the BBC and the rest always convenient­ly omit when making such claims is that both wind and solar only exist because they receive colossal subsidies (paid for through our electricit­y bills). By various means, the majority of onshore wind farms get a subsidy which means that the price we all pay is almost double that from fossil fuels (although even here the Government and the BBC load the dice further by adding on to the fossil fuel cost that of the hefty “carbon tax”, and omitting what we pay for standby backup from gas for when the wind isn’t blowing).

For offshore wind, the average subsidy costs are almost double that again. In no way is the cost of wind anything but vastly more expensive than that from fossil fuels. They really should stop trying to pretend otherwise.

The consequenc­es for many of our most successful industries may be devastatin­g

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