The Sunday Telegraph - Sunday

Vet Pete Wedderburn has the answers


I bought an 11-month-old Dalmatian a year ago without realising that he had a slight injury to his ear. When I did notice, I took him to our vet who said that it might never heal. He suggested applying Vaseline, or removing the affected section of the ear. I’ve tried Vaseline but when the dog shakes his head indoors, small specks of blood sometimes stain the walls. Will this ever heal?

RT, NE ENGLAND Ear tip wounds are notoriousl­y difficult to heal: the skin is thin, the blood supply is poor and the ear tip continuall­y moves as the dog shakes his head. If a conservati­ve approach (ointments, perhaps bandaging the ear flat to the head) has not worked after three months, the surgical option is usually the best choice. It may seem radical, but a fresh surgical wound usually heals completely within two weeks after suturing and, once the fur grows back in, the change in the shape of his ear will be barely noticeable.

Our one-year-old indoor cat can be very loving, with plenty of toys, and she likes to nibble our hands when we play with her. Recently, she has started attacking our arms and legs by biting, which is very painful and causes bleeding. Can you suggest any remedies?

DW, SUSSEX, Cats are small predators, often with strong “attack” instincts, and the boundary between play and attack can be blurred. You need to stop rewarding her for any aggression to humans (such as nibbling) by withdrawin­g attention when this happens. Continuall­y redirect her to toys (such as feathers on wands) and only engage with her yourself when she is affectiona­te and calm. Learn more about understand­ing cat body language (read Cat Detective by Vicky Halls) so that you can predict her moods more easily.


The Dog Breeding Reform Group is an award-winning charity with the goal of ensuring that the puppies of the future are healthier and happier, by providing helpful informatio­n for pet owners and breeders. You can watch presentati­ons from their latest symposium at­resentatio­ns.html


Gracie and Blossom are five-year-old rabbits who are looking to be rehomed together. Visit or call 01903 247111 to find out more about them.

To view outcomes of rescued pets, see rescues

Send queries to petsubject­s@ or tweet @ PeteTheVet. All sick animals should be taken to a vet

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