The Sunday Telegraph - Sunday

‘My confidence has grown and I don’t care what people think’

Buckso Dhillon-Woolley, 49

- Buckso Dhillon-Woolley is an actress, speaker and spiritual life coach.

Being an actress, I was loath to let my hair go grey as that would throw me into the over-50s age bracket at work. I’ve had parts in Silent Witness, Unforgotte­n and most of the soaps and I wanted to keep playing younger roles. As I don’t have lines on my face and nothing else about me that says “50plus woman”, I kept dyeing it.

But after my dad passed away last year during lockdown, I just didn’t have the energy to keep colouring it. Now I can fully see how silver I am – and I love it.

I had it cut short and funky. It was nerve-racking because I knew it could affect the roles I get offered – but then I can always wear a wig for auditions or roles.

I’m happy to be put forward for older parts now. My confidence has grown, and I no longer care what other people think.

I love being an older woman. I’ve got plenty of wisdom, which is why I’ve become a life coach – to share it. It’s so liberating to not be dragged down by this societal need to look a certain way. I even got stopped in the street by a man who commented on how great I looked. I love looking good and feel like I’ve come into my own. I drink collagen every day and have a good skincare routine. I hardly drink and don’t smoke. But Botox and fillers? No thanks. My second tattoo will be the only needle I get.

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