The Sunday Telegraph - Sunday

HOW TO CUT DOWN ON SUGAR without banning it

- (Dr Holly Symons @raising_eq)

No food is “good or bad”

Certain foods fuel us up for longer. Sugar is not bad, as

our bodies need glucose. However, sugar obtained

from whole fresh fruit is better fuel for our bodies

than refined sugar

Don’t use food as an emotional support

Doing this will create a cycle

of needing sugar or treats when you, or your children,

are feeling down. Instead, talk about the feeling and the trigger. Then, once the child feels

better, offer a snack

Engage kids in meal planning and prepping

Better still, get them to grow it, too. Children are much

more likely to eat it if they’ve been involved

Make sure you are a model for healthy eating

What your children see you

do, they will do, too. If you eat healthily, your children are much more likely to

eat healthily

Let them serve themselves

At first they may struggle

and take too much, but afterwards you can talk about healthy portion size

Moderation, never restrictio­n

It is about eating a range, or a rainbow. The more diverse your diet, the healthier your gut. Talk to your children about how our food feeds our gut and our gut feeds

our brain

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