The Sunday Telegraph

The sweet-singing son of a Queen’s chaplain


J ulian Ovenden makes the kind of easy-listening music that demands attention. He sings Sixties sunshine classics – You’ve Made Me So Very

Happy; Up, Up And Away – but with a demanding, machismo edge. Imagine a more manly Michael Bublé, a more melodic Dean Martin. Imagine the voice of a man who has been wounded but who can take care of you.

Yet Ovenden’s life hasn’t been a struggle at all. The son of Canon John Ovenden, a chaplain to the Queen, he went to Eton and Oxford. One wonders, then, about this Old Etonian going against the emotional grain. Is singing a convenient vehicle for his feelings?

“Good question! I think I’ve got better at expressing my emotions,” he says. “But going through the education system I went through – I don’t think you can go to boarding school and come out without feeling a little repressed – yes, it does leave its mark on you.”

We know Ovenden, 35, mostly from the long-running series Foyle’s War, in which he plays the handsome pilot son of Michael Kitchen’s Foyle. He’s also starred in The Forsyte Saga, as Ernest Hemingway in Any Human Heart, and has even been a steamy Diet Coke man.

Ovenden is branching out again with his debut album, If You Stay. He certainly has the credential­s: a choir scholarshi­p to St Paul’s, a music scholarshi­p to Eton, and a choral scholarshi­p to Oxford, as well as various West End and Broadway production­s under his belt, most recently opposite Ruthie Henshall in Marguerite.

We meet for tea and scones at Fortnum & Mason. In the flesh, Ovenden has a chiselled jaw and good skin that makes him look younger. When he talks he seems older and wiser.

If You Stay is easy listening with a twist. They recorded it in the same New York studio used by murdered rapper Tupac Shakur, something that seems to have given the album a grittier sound. “Easy listening is a term that is often used incorrectl­y,” he states. “It’s not the music you hear in a lift. There’s a depth that might not be there in today’s pop music.”

Indeed, nothing about Ovenden is predictabl­e. He insists that he is not posh, and that his parents are not posh. “I wasn’t aware of class until I got to Eton. Status and wealth, I suppose, is what it comes down to. There were lords, earls, dukes and princes, but because my father was a vicar, you sort of defy a class label.”

When he was growing up his father may, indeed, have been just a vicar – but in 1996 he became the Royal Family’s vicar. Ovenden vividly recalls his father’s interview. “They fly people to Balmoral to spend a weekend with the Queen, so that she has a chance to get to know them. They were due to fly up, then Diana died. My parents assumed it would be cancelled, but it wasn’t.

“When they got up there, it was the week the whole Royal family were congregate­d. My parents were party to an extraordin­ary weekend. Years later, I took them to the cinema to watch The Queen with Helen Mirren. There’s a scene of that Balmoral weekend, with Tony Blair on the phone, and everyone sitting around the lunch table. My mother turned to me and said: ‘I don’t know who researched this film, but we didn’t have chicken, we had salmon.’”

The Ovenden family’s home adjoins the church at Windsor, and the Royal family comes over at Christmas for mince pies. “They’re more relaxed than they would normally be seen to be.” The proximity meant that when Julian wanted to research Noël Coward, he could pop by for a gin and tonic with Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. She told him: “You know Coward was a spy, don’t you? Oops.”

His father retires in September. “He’s had enough of working on Sundays and he deserves a rest.” Is Julian religious? “I don’t go to church regularly. I wouldn’t say I was religious, but more spiritual.”

Ovenden is married to the soprano Kate Royal. They first met in a bar at Glyndebour­ne, exchanged numbers, and didn’t see each other for a year. Royal had seen him in his Diet Coke ad and had a crush on him.

They then both happened to be in New York and met up again. “One of the first things she invited me to was a rehearsal of a piece of work she was doing for Paul Mccartney at Carnegie Hall,” he recalls. “I sat next to Paul Mccartney, listening to her sing, and thinking: ‘There is something special going on here.’ You get a lot of informatio­n from a person’s voice.

“Paul asked me what I thought of the work – and of her. He knew something was happening. We’ve been together ever since.”

There are two children: Johnny Beau, two, and Audrey, four months. It wasn’t until after the birth of Johnny Beau that they got married. “We had a wedding and a christenin­g at the same time, and my father did the ceremony. He didn’t mind us having a baby first. He’s very liberal. He was one of the first people to support women priests and gay priests, and he’s very inter-faith, very relaxed. He has no problem marrying people who have been divorced. He’s a groovy vicar.” Perhaps the Queen is groovier than we imagine.

An opera star’s diary is booked years in advance. “It takes a lot of organisati­on for us to get together. We’ll manage – that’s where Skype comes in.”

Ovenden doesn’t complain. It’s not in his nature. He may do a tour with his album, and is in talks with Harvey Weinstein about a musical version of

Finding Neverland. He has been careful not to organise too much.

“When I was a chorister, you were singing every day. I became a chorister when I was seven. Some people get put off singing but I found I loved it.

“I don’t want to be seen as doing this in my spare time,” he continues. “Acting, musicals, bringing out an album – not many people have done that. Anthony Newley, Barbra Streisand?” There’s trepidatio­n in his voice when he says this, but there shouldn’t be; he’s a one-off.

‘If You Stay’ is released on April 23 on Decca

 ??  ?? Spiritual calling: Julian with his wife, Kate Royal; above, his father, Canon John Ovenden, with the Queen; Julian in ‘Foyle’s War’
Spiritual calling: Julian with his wife, Kate Royal; above, his father, Canon John Ovenden, with the Queen; Julian in ‘Foyle’s War’
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