The Sunday Telegraph

Charles Crawford

Over decades we destroyed our Foreign Office and its global work. Brexit means restoring it to former glory


What does it mean for a nation to exert “influence”? Partly it’s about attitude: the confidence and determinat­ion to push hard and long for national objectives. But it’s also about organisati­on: having the institutio­ns, skills and discipline to turn foreign policy goals into real changes. Taxpayers might think the UK has that in hand, in the form of the Foreign and Commonweal­th Office (FCO) which commands the space between Downing Street and the Treasury. But those grand offices hide a momentous decline over the past four decades.

When I joined the FCO in 1979, the European Economic Community was an odd, distant formation where you dusted off A-level French for inconseque­ntial meetings with bemused French and German embassy colleagues and disconcert­ingly confident European Commission zealots. Things changed. The legal power exerted by Brussels grew and grew. The EEC transforme­d into a European Community, then a European Union.

Cabinet Office coordinati­on squeezed out the FCO’s lead on EU issues. Then, as a final humiliatio­n, the Treasury grabbed the powerful job of the UK’s ambassador to the EU. Successive government­s assured voters that the EU multiplied the UK’s influence, yet it was obvious that in key areas it diminished us, drawing us into laboriousl­y negotiated but trivial consensus and skewing our diplomacy away from results and into process and symbolism.

Still, the erosion of our distinctiv­e foreign policy by the EU was just one part of the FCO’s decline.

Back in the 1980s foreign aid was run by the Overseas Developmen­t Administra­tion, a large team of officials who answered to the Foreign Secretary when they felt inclined to do so. Labour after 1997 created a new Department for Internatio­nal Developmen­t (Dfid) and committed it to spending 0.7 per cent of our gross national income. David Cameron bizarrely enshrined this into law, guaranteei­ng Dfid more and more public money every year, regardless of its record in spending it. So it has grown and grown, while the FCO has been cut and cut.

Historic diplomatic assets have been sold off to make savings which would be lost as rounding errors in other Whitehall budgets. It’s impossible to imagine any other country having an imposing ambassador­ial residence in Whitehall but deciding to sell it and move into a smaller inconvenie­nt house in Shepherd’s Bush – yet that is in effect what the UK has done in Warsaw, a signal that we don’t take ourselves (or our relations with Poland) seriously.

Meanwhile, unrelentin­g “progressiv­e” reforms allowed nondiploma­ts in Whitehall to bid for British diplomatic postings. Teams were set up for tackling foreign policy issues but with no clear allegiance to any one ministry. Good British diplomats hopped over to the EU’s External Action Service, Brussels’ way of projecting a “European” foreign policy by marginalis­ing the diplomatic activity of EU member states. Why not? Better money, and they were joining something growing, not shrinking.

Maybe worst of all, intelligen­t thought was replaced by junk “management”. For 20 years now, we have wasted incalculab­le time and money fretting over Strategic Priorities, Key Policy Goals and (now) Priority Outcomes. These processes were invented under Thatcher and Major to make government more “businessli­ke”, and accelerate­d absurdly under Blair and Brown.

Yet, after all this useless chuntering, there is still no consensus on what “business” foreign policy actually is. In fact it is a complex mix of different businesses: consultanc­y, farming (planting seeds of goodwill abroad), insurance (cultivatin­g allies everywhere, just in case), fire fighting, and services (consular and visa work).

Because this work often shows no immediate measurable “outcomes”, it’s devalued in Whitehall calculatio­ns. In 2006-07 the EU section of our Warsaw Embassy mustered Polish support for the UK’s position against the EU Working Time Directive. This saved UK taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds. Treasury methodolog­y allows no way to calculate that benefit, or to boost capacity in embassies so as to repeat it. Instead, we cut and devalue our embassies in Europe. It is madness.

All this and more has demolished the FCO’s effectiven­ess. Once one of the planet’s most respected, authoritat­ive policy institutio­ns, it is now a forlorn Prometheus upon whom Whitehall swoops for a tasty snack. Unlike Prometheus, the scrawny FCO does not grow back new flesh overnight.

But Brexit offers an extraordin­ary opportunit­y to regain our internatio­nal confidence. The UK is far richer than Russia, our relationsh­ips around the world are more sophistica­ted, we are usually better analysts and we are equal in the UN. Still, between us, who looks and acts like a world power? Who gives the impression of believing power exists, and can be deployed for a national interest? Of having any national interest at all?

Part of the reason for our Brexit vote was a rejection of genteel declinism. Against Remain’s pessimism, the Leave campaign managed to capture the case for optimism and taking risks. So we can take advantage of Brexit only if we make radical changes, above all by uniting the spending of Dfid and the FCO in one Foreign Ministry. That would restore a strong, single foreign policy, uniting political and “developmen­t” objectives – and the officials pursuing them.

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