The Sunday Telegraph

Moonlight may be ‘important’ – but will we be watching it in 70 years’ time?


The knives are out for a film critic who has – naughtee! – strayed from the flock. Camilla Long, her name is, and she tills her field in a distant meadow, so distant that, like many readers, I had no idea she existed. Miss Long, plucky lass, doesn’t care for Moonlight, which is up for a gong in Hollywood tonight, and she doesn’t care who knows she doesn’t care.

Everybody else, it seems, has been blubbing over the film, which is about sexual identity (tick), race (tick), and drugs (tick). But our fearless scribe is having none of it, and has been rewarded with the scorn of such notable cineastes as Owen Jones, the Left’s very own regimental goat, who accused Miss Long of writing about herself. Well, well! To be accused of solipsism by so self-effacing a chap is a flower she can stick in her bonnet with pride.

In the estimation of Jones, and others, Moonlight is important because it is about important social matters. It gives a voice to the black underclass in America, which, say its admirers, is a noble aim. But one senses, in the adulation heaped upon it, a desire to be seen doing the right thing. Black faces are not seen often enough on the big screen, the thinking goes, so when they are we must cheer on the film-makers for their good intentions.

“Important”. In the wrong hands, what a dangerous word it can be. Every week one reads of films, plays and books that are important. There are worse words, of course. “Seminal” is a shocker, not that it stops pop critics in particular from stuffing it in their reviews like plums in a pudding, and “life-enhancing” is a handy emetic. As for “critique”, used increasing­ly as verb as well as noun, it reveals the writer to be worthy of the BEM (bull-----er of exceptiona­l merit) decoration.

Once again it is time to recall something Kingsley Amis wrote, 34 years ago. “Importance in literature isn’t important. Good writing is.” There really shouldn’t be an argument against that – not one worth hearing, anyway – but many moulders of modern taste clearly consider the novelist’s judgment to be dreadfully old-fashioned.

An intellectu­ally challenged rapper, therefore, is deemed to be important because he reflects the “edgy” underbelly of city life, and the concerns of “real people”. A truly important rapper, mark you, one who really wanted to swim against the tide, would surely rap about all the fun of the fair in Sturminste­r Newton! “Feel my needs, dig my tweeds…”

Roll ’em out. A dance company of Dutch transsexua­ls? Groundbrea­king! An all-female Cherry Orchard? Why hasn’t it been done before? An installati­on of milk bottles at Tate Modern? More, more! A symphony orchestra composed entirely of dwarfs? Get them to the Proms! Somebody will pronounce it important.

There are important figures, though they are fewer than many “cultural commentato­rs” imagine. In film, for instance, John Ford and Billy Wilder were clearly important directors, but they were important because they made great films. Ford was an Irish mythologis­t, Wilder a bitterswee­t Jewish ironist. Both made imperishab­le masterpiec­es.

There was painting before Caravaggio, wrote Robert Hughes, who knew his artists, and there was painting after; and they were not the same things. One could say something similar about Wordsworth in poetry, and Beethoven in music. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore Keats or Brahms because they came later. “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.”

Moonlight may be an excellent film, but like any other film it must derive its value from the writing, the acting and the direction. Reality only goes so far, and good intentions count for nothing. As Alexander Walker, a truly fine film critic, liked to remind people who complained about a lack of authentici­ty: “How many Arabs were there in Casablanca?”

They don’t make films like that any more, and it is unlikely people will be talking about Moonlight 70 years from now in the way that people talk of Bogart and Bergman today. Ignore the Oscars tonight and watch a classic film instead – My Darling Clementine or

Double Indemnity. Greatness trumps importance every time.

‘One senses, in the adulation heaped upon Moonlight, a desire to be seen doing the right thing’

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