The Sunday Telegraph

Why do we punish the most productive and creative people in the economy?

The Treasury is going to introduce diabolical new measures which will clobber small enterprise­s and the self-employed


Does the Government hate small business owners and creative people? As Philip Hammond delivers his first Budget this week, he is about to preside over two punitive tax changes in the lives of these unfortunat­es. And this is the man who proposes to turn Britain into a low-tax, entreprene­urial heaven if Brexit negotiatio­ns fail.

You probably know all about the business rates scandal but let me tell you about two less well-publicised changes that will clobber almost every small enterprise as well as hordes of people who are freelance or selfemploy­ed. Which is to say, writers, artists, actors, musicians, designers, photograph­ers, composers and so on and on; in other words, the great body of individual­s who comprise the creative sectors which contribute so much to the economy.

The first of these diabolical “reforms” (changes to tax arrangemen­ts are always “reforms”) will oblige most of those who now file self-assessment tax returns once a year, as has been the case since time began, to do so four times a year. Have you got that? The new quarterly filing requiremen­t will mean that whatever amount you pay your accountant to do your annual tax return will be quadrupled because he will be carrying out that operation four times instead of once. Added to that will be the requiremen­t to “go digital” on your tax: you will be obliged in future to present your income and expenses on a spreadshee­t in a manner prescribed by HM Revenue & Customs. If this operation is too daunting for you, as one might imagine it could be for many of those artists, writers, actors, etc, you will have to ask your accountant to do it for you – which will bring additional charges for his services. (You might think that accountant­s would be cock-a-hoop over these developmen­ts but, in fact, they are not: the ones I’ve talked to are themselves small businesses whose workload is about to become far more burdensome.)

But the new income tax regime is not the worst of the bad news. Unlike the cutely named “Making Tax Digital” initiative which will not hit for another year or so, there is a much more imminent threat to a whole tranche of innocents: those who made the mistake of taking up an offer from HMRC to ease their record-keeping burden and save them some money to boot. ‘This reform will oblige most who now file self-assessment tax returns once a year to do so four times a year’

If you live in the happy world of the employed, you may know nothing of the complicati­ons that working life presents to those who choose (or have no choice but) to go it alone. To all those creative types I listed above who must struggle on in fields where there is no security, much competitio­n and a highly unpredicta­ble future, let me add people like me: journalist­s who are under contract to a newspaper but not employed by it. Like most columnists, I must deal not just with my own income tax arrangemen­ts but with the Byzantine terrors of VAT reporting. Several years ago I was advised that there was a scheme being offered which would make keeping my VAT records very much simpler and less time-consuming. It was called the “flat-rate” system. Basically, what it involved was giving up your right to claim back the VAT you paid on your expenses in return for paying a flat rate that was lower than the 20 per cent which you charged.

That sounded like a dream come true. I wouldn’t any longer have to compute the VAT on every pen, printer cartridge and ream of paper I bought nor demand VAT receipts from every retailer of office supplies. Instead, I could just pay HMRC a fixed proportion of the VAT that was paid to me. Terrific.

Unsure of whether I qualified for this arrangemen­t, I rang the VAT helpline. And, my goodness, for once they lived up to that descriptio­n: they were helpfulnes­s itself. Yes indeed, I certainly was eligible for the scheme. Journalist­s, categorise­d alongside entertaine­rs, as I recall, could pay a rate of 12.5 per cent in return for putting zeros in the box that said “VAT reclaimed”. The chap I spoke to did the necessary business of putting me on the flat rate over the phone. He couldn’t have been nicer. The very next time I filed, he said, the VAT office would automatica­lly recognise my new flat-rate status. And indeed it did.

Never at any point in this conversati­on, nor in the ensuing years in which I have been enrolled in the scheme, has anyone asked me whether my expenses were mainly for “services” as opposed to “goods” or whether I might benefit financiall­y from paying only 12.5 per cent rather than 20 per cent. In fact, I believe I made the point, in that very jolly conversati­on with the VAT man, that one of the attraction­s of the arrangemen­t for me was that my VAT expenses were really quite low and were therefore more trouble to claim than they were worth. This didn’t seem to bother him in the least.

So what happened? In his Autumn Statement, Mr Hammond announced that the flat-rate VAT scheme was being used “aggressive­ly” by too many individual­s and small businesses whose expenses consisted largely of “services” rather than “goods”, and that this nasty abuse was going to be closed down forthwith (that is, from April 1 this year).

To qualify for the 12.5 per cent rate now, I would have to prove that at least 2 per cent of my turnover was spent on “goods”. Quite apart from this designatio­n of goods as the only legitimate flat-rate VAT expenses, the definition of what constitute­s a “good”, as opposed to a service, is beyond parody. Goods are tangible things that will be used up within a year: so a printer cartridge, but not the printer, is a “good”. And such goods must be used exclusivel­y for business purposes, so don’t ever use that printer ink for a private letter, or the pens that you buy for the home office to sign a birthday card. Stationery can be claimed if it has a business letterhead but not stamps because, although they are tangible, they are in fact payments for a service (the Royal Mail). If your goods bill isn’t high enough to qualify, you will have to pay VAT, not at the flat rate you signed up for, but at the higher one of 16.5 per cent (which works out in gross terms as 19.8 per cent). You get the idea.

In truth, the object of this “crackdown” is to drive as many people out of the flat-rate scheme as possible, because it was an ill thoughtout policy which HMRC offered and now wants to withdraw by branding those who were invited to participat­e in it as “aggressive” tax cheats. This is quite consistent with its use of the term “aggressive tax avoidance” which it applies anyone who makes use of a perfectly legal tax break which the Government has come to regret devising.

Instead of thinking up new ways to torture the most productive and selfrelian­t people in the economy, maybe the Government could get to grips with a service on which they depend and which lets them down regularly. Our home broadband failed (again) last Monday and in spite of pleading that our livelihood­s required internet access, BT insisted that no engineer could be sent to us until Friday. That’s a working week. We will survive it, but the loss of a week’s business would break many a small company. As compensati­on for the hell it is putting all those little people through, perhaps the Treasury could find a way to punish a corporate monopoly whose service – which is essential to business – is not fit for modern purpose.

‘Maybe the Government could get to grips with a company which lets people down regularly’

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