The Sunday Telegraph

A massive Tory majority must be put to good use


The local election results must not, pollsters tell us, be taken as an indication of what will happen on June 8. In one sense they are right: they don’t include London, an increasing­ly counter-cultural city that will return various barking mad Labour MPs and, even more eccentrica­lly, perhaps even Liberal Democrats. But the rest of the picture is clear. Voters regard the Labour Party as so unfit to govern that even some of its tribal supporters can take no more. And with Ukip having little point now that it has achieved its historic aim of Brexit, and Mrs May’s superb impersonat­ion of Mrs Thatcher in standing in Downing Street and wielding the full handbag over the bullies of Brussels, Ukip’s former vote – four million in 2015 – is heading for the Conservati­ve Party.

Thus a massive Tory majority is likely on June 8, possibly on the scale of 1983. The only thing to fear from this is not complacenc­y – the prospect of the Corbyn-Sturgeon coalition will bring out the Tory vote – but that it will not be put to good use. It represents, as I noted a fortnight ago when writing of the need for a radical manifesto, a once-in-a-generation opportunit­y to sniff out what is wrong with Britain, and to fix it: a state that is too large, spends too much, taxes too much, has the wrong priorities, is afraid to confront vested interests, and whose structures require hauling into the 21st century.

Mrs May has, like all sensible prime ministers, said she wishes to govern in the interests of everybody. However, that does not mean governing according to a harmful consensus. Successive French presidents have made this mistake, building up public resistance to essential reform over decades, which is largely why that country is in its present sclerotic mess. Sometimes, the public fear change because it seems to threaten their comfort and expectatio­ns: in those circumstan­ces government­s have to explain that, after the change, the country will be better governed, necessary public services will be delivered more efficientl­y and effectivel­y, and money will stop being squandered. In most elections in living memory the Tories have been afraid to broach contentiou­s matters for fear of breaking the consensus and giving Labour an advantage. It need have no such fear in this campaign.

One such serious problem – of many – is the National Health Service. It requires a fundamenta­l reform not so much in how it does things (though there is plenty of scope for improvemen­t there) but in what it offers to the public free at point of use, and how it is staffed. In recent elections the Left has crowed (entirely dishonestl­y, when one considers the amount of money Tory government­s have spent on the NHS) that it is safe only under Labour. Since there is as much chance of Kim Jong-un bowling leg-breaks for England as there is of Labour forming the next government, the opposition can say what it likes. The Tories, meanwhile, should start a frank conversati­on with the public about how best to ensure a state health service that delivers essential care to those in need without breaking under the strain.

That means an insurance system for elderly care, which is one of the main causes of that strain. It means an audit of every post in the NHS, removing those non-medical staff whose jobs are not essential but who were brought into the NHS under Gordon Brown to help massage the then rising unemployme­nt figures. It means stopping many non-essential treatments on the NHS, making inpatients pay for food, charging for certain GP services and reducing the massive exemptions from prescripti­on charges, which should be meansteste­d. And this rethinking of the NHS should initiate comprehens­ive welfare and fiscal reform to improve the incentives for people to take responsibi­lity for their families.

It must also stop rich pensioners enjoying needless state benefits that are annually uprated, often subsidised by younger people who cannot afford to fund their own pensions.

The question of what the welfare state does or does not do should not be regarded as untouchabl­e. If the present opportunit­y is not seized to deal with the NHS and elderly care in particular, the whole system will collapse within 20 years. Such a series of reforms would not, though, be an end in itself. It would represent a transfer of resources from the unproducti­ve sectors of the economy back to the productive ones, which is the key to supercharg­ing prosperity and ensuring the aspiration­s of all those prepared to work hard can be met. The Tories need to champion the small state and the low taxation that encourages enterprise, and this is their best chance to articulate such feelings since the Eighties.

They appear to have only encouragem­ent from their rivals in seeking an overwhelmi­ng mandate. Every time Jean-Claude Juncker, drunk or sober, opens his mouth about Britain a few more seats turn Conservati­ve. No further proof was needed of Labour’s unfitness to govern, but then Diane Abbott came along and provided it anyway, with her catastroph­ic interview about how much it would cost to recruit policemen – the numbers of whom changed from sentence to sentence – and terrorist-loving shadow chancellor John McDonnell was filmed at a May Day parade in front of Hamas banners and the hammer and sickle. With a month to go before the election, it is safe to afford ourselves the luxury of finding these people simply comical.

Mrs May, by contrast, has a chance to develop the Thatcher-style approach to leading our country that she demonstrat­ed last Wednesday. This election is not just about Brexit, and about standing up, with Thatcherit­e resolve, for Britain. It is about resuming a programme of essential reforms that the Iron Lady herself would have seen as essential to the prosperity and freedom of our country. Mrs May will have the mandate to transform Britain: and she can create opportunit­ies to show she has the guts and the will, too.

This is a once-in-ageneratio­n chance to sniff out what is wrong with Britain, and fix it

 ??  ?? Two critical subjects Theresa May must tackle are the NHS and elderly care
Two critical subjects Theresa May must tackle are the NHS and elderly care

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