The Sunday Telegraph

Why Corbyn warps history to demonise Israel

On the centenary of the Balfour Declaratio­n, Labour has turned its back on the Jewish homeland


One hundred years ago this Thursday, the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, sent a letter to Walter Rothschild, a prominent British Jew. Those 130 words, which became known as the Balfour Declaratio­n, changed the world. He wrote that “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishm­ent in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievemen­t of this object.”

It took a further 31 years for that national home – Israel – to come about, before which some six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis. But the impact of the Balfour Declaratio­n was profound and remains so today.

There are any number of aspects to its centenary that repay scrutiny. There is, of course, the impact on the Middle East, on geopolitic­s and on the world order as it now stands. The declaratio­n was one of the cornerston­es of the reshaping of the world in the 20th century. It came not just while a world war was being fought but in the year of the Russian Revolution and when the Ottoman Empire was on the verge of collapse.

Then there is the history of the period itself. The declaratio­n was not, as the romantic version has it, a gift bestowed on the Jewish people by a sympatheti­c British government. It was really more a product of Great Power politics.

Palestine was of huge strategic importance, not least because of the nearby Suez Canal and Arab oil – and remained so throughout the century. Lloyd George hoped that when the Ottoman Empire disappeare­d the Jews would ensure that Palestine was under British influence. That strategic importance is no less vital today as new conflicts take shape.

But closer to home, there is another Balfour story that tells us as much about our own politics and society as it does about a small country the size of Wales some 3,000 miles away. It is one of how perception­s of Israel among “right thinking people” have changed so wildly that it has gone from being seen as a plucky underdog that needed and deserved support, to being viewed as – ludicrousl­y – the single greatest evil in the world, opposition to which is now the very definition of decency in such circles.

Certainly, Israel has changed greatly since its eventual creation in 1948. In the War of Independen­ce, the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, most outsiders expected it to be destroyed – and many flocked to its aid. Militarily, Israel is now more than capable of defending itself.

And the settlement­s on the West Bank, begun after the Six-Day War launched by the Arabs, have changed Israel into an occupying power, much to the angst of many Israelis.

Ostensibly, the occupation of the West Bank is the pivot on which hatred of Israel swings. But the story here is not really about Israel. It is, rather, about how the chattering classes in the West have changed. In that sense, Israel is simply a mirror in which to see ourselves.

Last week, for example, it emerged that Jeremy Corbyn had refused to attend this Thursday’s Balfour centenary dinner. He did not even bother to pretend he had a prior engagement. Which means the leader of today’s Labour Party – with its fine and historic record of support – simply cannot bring himself to mark the creation of Israel.

And earlier this month, Young Labour – the next generation of party activists – rejected a motion backing a two-state solution, a mainstream cause even among Palestinia­n activists.

Appalling as this is, it is in no way surprising. For Mr Corbyn and his young comrades, as well as for many far less extreme than him, Israel is not the solution to one of the world’s greatest historic problems – the absence of a Jewish homeland – but a cancer that should be excised. The consequenc­es of the end of the Cold War have still not fully played out. But one has been the upending of much of what it means to be on the Left, with hatred of Israel as a result.

The so-called Red/Green Alliance sees the modern Left ally with Islamists for whom the West is the real enemy. In this world-view, no nation stands more obviously ready for censure than Israel, the West’s great ally in the Middle East.

So rather than the creation of Israel being celebrated as a national homeland for the Jews, it is attacked as one of the worst aspects of Western colonialis­m – however ridiculous this may actually be since Jews have lived in Israel for millennia.

Nothing better illustrate­s the warping of history and logic that underlies the world we now live in.

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