The Sunday Telegraph

Boris has his faults, but he is the only one who can deliver Brexit


What exactly would Conservati­ve Party members need to hear about Boris Johnson before they gave him up as a bad lot? That was pretty much the gist of a question an exasperate­d Nick Robinson asked me yesterday on Radio 4’s Today programme. To be fair to the Bash Boris Remainer Attack Team (BRAT), they’ve certainly given it their best shot. Last Tuesday, in the debacle that was Our Next Prime Minister, the BBC got an imam in to basically accuse Boris of being racist. That cunning plan fell apart when, in their delight at securing a Muslim who would embarrass the despised Boris, the Beeb failed to uncover the fact that Abdullah from Bristol was a repellent anti-Semite. Oops!

There is also the little-remarked fact that cosmopolit­an Boris married a woman who is half-Indian. Such mitigating factors, however, are not admissible as evidence in the ongoing show trial of the man who would be our next prime minister.

What you have to grasp, dear reader, is that Boris is already guilty, as far as the chattering classes are concerned. It’s only a matter of time, BRAT believes, before a daily drip-drip of smears wears down the Tory grassroots until a) they agree that Boris is beyond the pale, or b) are so demoralise­d that they seriously think making Jeremy Hunt their leader is the answer to the party’s problems.

What, Hunt of the nervous sideways glances who looks like a baby gerbil when a cat has just entered the room? How on earth is that nice but rather oomphless fellow supposed to do battle with Nigel Farage for Brexiteer votes while rallying the troops, appealing to the Labour Leave heartlands, seeing off Corbyn and saving the Conservati­ve Party from certain death by making sure that we leave the EU by Oct 31?

Ha! Trick question. BRAT wants Hunt to beat Boris precisely because they can rely on that Remainer Lite to do very little of the above. In the previous leadership election, they managed to take out the Brexiteer, Andrea Leadsom, before the poor members got a chance to vote. How to pull off the same trick this time?

“OK, so we can’t pin racism on Boris, how about domestic violence?”

Better known as having a blazing row with your partner. At least, that is, out here in the real world where most of us, unlike those saintly correspond­ents who have never ever raised their voices at their spouse, are flawed human beings who say things we regret in the heat of the moment.

By now, you will almost certainly have heard the excruciati­ng exchanges (“Get off me!”) between Boris and his girlfriend, Carrie Symonds. Exchanges which, in my view, were private and should have stayed that way. We will never know the full story. What I can say for certain is that if some clumsy chump splashed Shiraz on my soft furnishing­s, I would consider it grounds for justifiabl­e homicide.

Nonetheles­s, the incident was deeply unpleasant, especially coming after Foreign Office minister Mark Field frogmarche­d a climate change protester out of the Chancellor’s Mansion House speech. Increasing­ly desperate for ammo against Boris, BRAT could bundle the separate incidents up nicely in a Tory Men Are Brutes package.

While Symonds’s neighbours were absolutely right to call the police if they genuinely thought there was any threat of harm, the fact that Boris and Carrie’s argument was recorded (through a wall) seems sneaky to say the least. Handing the recording over to The Guardian just stinks. What kind of people would do that?

I’m afraid it reminds me of that great film The Lives of Others, in which East Germany’s Stasi secret police record every word spoken by a suspect playwright and his actress girlfriend, the better to destroy him.

In the 24 hours since I stood up for Boris on Today, I have been on the receiving end of the most insane abuse on social media. As in The Lives of Others, if you dare to deviate from the prevailing political orthodoxy, you must be shut down, eliminated or required to make amends for your wrong-thinking. One commentato­r actually seemed to imply that I must be sexually attracted to Boris. I mean, why else would a woman possibly endorse a man like him to be prime minister?

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s something to do with the fact that, three years into the May morass, I still feel that a great democratic country should honour the result of a referendum. And that Boris, for all his manifold human failings, seems our last best hope of making that happen.

Conservati­ve Party members are a pretty traditiona­l bunch and my guess is that the majority will be appalled by all of this. Not by Boris, whom they regard, as Jane Austen said of her clever, charming heroine Emma Woodhouse, as “perfect despite her faults”. No, it’s the skuldugger­y, the sheer nastiness being deployed to prevent them, yet again, voting for their preferred candidate.

I’ve lost count of the number of dis-Mayed Telegraph readers who have told me that the only reason they haven’t cut up their Conservati­ve membership cards is specifical­ly so they can vote in a Brexit prime minister in the leadership election. Will the stratagems of the Bash Boris team deter them?

If I know the members as well as I think I do, I suspect the opposite will be the case. As one defiant Tory put it on Twitter after that private tiff was made public, “I don’t much care for Boris, but after today I’m definitely voting for him.”

It reminds me of that great film The Lives of Others, in which the Stasi secret police record every word spoken

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