The Sunday Telegraph

Under ITV’s rules, Python would cease to be

- FOLLOW Dia Chakravart­y on Twitter @DiaChakrav­arty; READ MORE at DIA CHAKRAVART­Y

The road to hell was given a fresh paving last week when ITV banned all-male comedy writing teams. In order to combat an “aggressive and slightly bullying” environmen­t, ITV will not only stop commission­ing men-only writing troupes, but will go further: teams must “aim for 50:50 representa­tion”. The commission­er will be required to sign off on their balance.

Scripts will no longer simply be judged by the quality of the jokes they contain, but by the gender of those writing them.

I do not doubt the intentions behind this policy. Saskia Schuster, ITV’s Head of Comedy, has shown a strong commitment towards bringing more women into a field within an industry that she considers to be male dominated. Having conducted a review of her television network’s comedy production, Ms Schuster found out that only one script was submitted “from a female writer for every five scripts written by a man”.

But I do question the merits of the policy she has devised to deal with the issue, not the least because I have grave doubts as to whether it would actually deliver the sort of inclusion which she seeks.

The lazy approach of banning all-male teams from competing in order for women comedy writers to have a fair chance seems to me to be not only ham-fisted and potentiall­y unjust but also deeply insulting. It insinuates – even assumes – that left only to their own calibre, faculty and wit, women candidates cannot expect to beat all-male teams when competing for a commission at ITV.

It is reported that Ms Schuster found “female writers were often at a disadvanta­ge because men usually already had more

writing credits”. In that case, could ITV take a leaf out of The Spectator’s recruitmen­t book and do away with CVs detailing previous writing credits entirely and simply judge a script by its merits alone? This approach has the added benefit of eradicatin­g any possibilit­y of conscious or unconsciou­s bias based on race, class, religion and age.

Women writers may well be under-represente­d in comedy but it is probably fair to say that British media isn’t exactly awash with people from workingcla­ss background­s – male or female – and that is surely an imbalance which is also important to address.

If all television channels adopted ITV’s new rules, Monthy Python’s Flying Circus or A Bit of Fry and Laurie would have never hit our screens and ITV may well think that would be a sacrifice worth making on the altar of inclusivit­y, the writers listed for these shows all having been white men. But how about Little Britain or The Lenny Henry Show, both written exclusivel­y or overwhelmi­ngly by a team of men? How inclusive is a policy which in its efforts to favour one underrepre­sented group ends up discrimina­ting against gay or ethnic minority men?

As for the allegation against all-male writing teams of aggression and bullying, I fear that ITV might be in for a bit of a shock when it finds out that the last-century view of women as the reliably gentler sex is rather misguided. Just like men, women can be funny, dull, compassion­ate and cruel. We bear the cross of human failings just as men do.

We are equal, after all. readerprin­

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