The Sunday Telegraph

Boris will get a deal, but voters will take longer to forget the damage

Economic reality always trumps ideology, but our rational democracy will never be the same again


I’m pretty sure I know what’s going to happen now. There is going to be a deal – or something that can plausibly be presented as one – by the end of October. This would have been much easier to accomplish without the extraordin­ary seizure of government by the Remain faction in Parliament, whose actual intention, of course, was not to prevent no deal but to prevent Brexit itself. By underminin­g the Prime Minister’s bargaining position, the Speaker and his friends have done their very best to persuade the EU that there is no point in negotiatin­g with him, and that they can just wait it out, since the possibilit­y of no deal has been outlawed.

But mercifully, there are indication­s that Brussels and the DUP find this too risky a bet. So the threat of no deal remains in play and everybody is having to come to terms with this, despite the antics in Westminste­r and the various courts that have been drafted into the game – whose contradict­ory conclusion­s are only adding to distrust of the Remainers’ confident assurances to their friends in Brussels that they have paralysed the Government and put an end to Brexit.

In the midst of all the noise and bluster, and the desperate waves of face-saving disinforma­tion, there is one simple truth: economic reality trumps ideology. (At least in democratic societies – totalitari­an ones can starve as many people as they like in the name of a utopian goal.) And the economic reality is that, for all the hyperbole about the dangers of no deal for the UK, the consequenc­es for the other parties would come at a horrendous­ly bad time.

Ireland’s economy would tank. Germany, already planning to print more money in spite of the appalling historical associatio­ns, would go into a real recession, not just a technical one. The Mediterran­ean regions that now have 40 per cent youth unemployme­nt would fall even further behind the dominant member states.

Recovering from these problems would be peculiarly difficult set against the background of a global trade war between China and the US, especially as the EU is a declining protection­ist bloc whose mechanisms are not good at flexible adaptation. This damage would be especially unforgivab­le by the electorate­s of the countries badly affected because it would seem to be gratuitous. They will ask the obvious question: why couldn’t reasonable adults have reached an agreement that might have saved us from this? The governing class of more than one member country would suffer, perhaps irreparabl­y, bringing a much greater risk of civil disorder than Britain’s streets are ever likely to see.

So there has to be a deal. If you listen very carefully, you can hear the sound of reason whispering behind the curtains while motormouth official spokesmen dominate the stage. In Ulster and the Irish Republic, sense and proportion seem to be emerging from the shadows. New rumours of possible concession­s from the DUP are surfacing almost daily. Those anonymous EU sources who had been swearing blithely that the UK was offering no new suggestion­s at all and should just go away until it had something useful to say, are being subtly corrected by Michel Barnier who is now requesting “concrete” proposals “in writing”, which his negotiator­s will deign to consider. (This sounds to me like the sort of pompous pedantry that precedes a climbdown.)

Most significan­tly, there seems to be a possibilit­y that a deal that met such revised conditions could pass in the Commons with the votes of a tranche of Labour MPs, even if some Tory Brexiteers held out against it. There may be some subtle distinctio­ns to be blurred between what constitute­s an actual new deal, a tarted-up old one and a “managed” (in effect, negotiated) no-deal exit – but what there will not be is an acrimoniou­s, unmitigate­d no deal with maximum recriminat­ion and no diplomatic possibilit­y of rapprochem­ent. Nobody’s vanity is worth that much.

So remember that, at least in terms of the public address system on all sides, this isn’t chess – it’s poker. Most of what you hear is claptrap designed to show that everybody is confident and nobody is going to blink.

And some of it is having the opposite effect of what was presumably intended. The release of the Yellowhamm­er paper, with its supposedly horrifying threats of Armageddon in the event of no deal, actually serves two very useful purposes from Downing Street’s point of view. By raising so much alarm about no deal, it damages the electoral appeal of the Brexit party. Nigel Farage has painted himself into a corner by declaring that he will accept nothing less than no deal as being a true Brexit, and he cannot reverse that stand now. And the European Research Group purists in Parliament might also find it harder to hold out against what looks like a reasonable agreement if the public are genuinely alarmed by the threat of a new deal. So, all told, the publishing of Yellowhamm­er will almost certainly help Boris sell his deal to Parliament and the public, as well as to see off some of the Brexit vote threat in a general election.

But even if the Leave case wins through, the damage that has been done to British political life is horrendous. We seem to have imported two of the worst features of the American tradition. First there is gridlock. In the US, this occurs when one party has the presidency and the other controls Congress, thus making government inoperable. This should not be possible in the British system since the executive is comprised of the majority, or a functionin­g minority, in Parliament. But the Speaker and Continuity Remain have found a way to abolish the principle of democratic consent that once accepted this arrangemen­t.

Then there is the US predilecti­on for a losing side to try to sue its way to victory with continuous vexatious litigation. This is alien not only to our customs but to our national understand­ing of the role of politics and the function of the law.

The assumption­s that once made our mature democracy so civil and rational have been trashed. The public see this for what it is. It will be a long time before they forget it.

If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of reason whispering behind the curtains while motormouth official spokesmen dominate the stage

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