The Sunday Telegraph

Explanatio­ns are not excuses for appalling behaviour


‘Iblame the parents.” I wonder which self-satisfied and profoundly stupid soul first spoke these words? It’s a conclusion that some of our judges seemingly concur with – one of them has just blamed the parents of a man who cut off a teenage boy’s hand with a machete; “It is not society that is at fault. It is your parents and family – the way you have been brought up,” adding that “the sins of previous generation­s” had led him to behave like this. At least he was sent to jail; just around the corner from me, another man robbed two teenage boys at knifepoint and walked free from court because his mother had died of cancer – those damn parents again! – and he had “got in with the wrong crowd”. It’s as if our judges listened to Gee, Officer Krupke from West Side Story and took it as a guidance manual rather than satire.

We can only imagine what a nightmare men like this must have been at school. Though actually we don’t need to imagine any more, as Ofsted has published its latest inspection report of a Birmingham school where staff went on strike earlier this year in protest at the

behaviour of pupils, which had become so uncontroll­able that panic buttons were installed in classrooms. Sad though this is, some teachers are reaping what they sow; the Ofsted boss Amanda Spielman has told them to be harder on children who disrupt lessons rather than giving them a free pass because their “life circumstan­ces” mean they can’t control themselves.

I’d like to blame Les Mis, but this particular rot set in during the Sixties, like most disagreeab­le things. We live in a society that tells us that every bad act must stem from deprivatio­n of some kind. Stealing a loaf of bread can be excused if one is hungry. But the rise of crimes such as rape, domestic murder and child abuse covers all social classes; these are things people do because, horrible as it is, they want to, just as British jihadi brides and boys joined Isil not despite the torture, rape and murder but because of it. Upsetting though it may be to gentle-natured types to accept this, if you don’t you are conniving with the perpetuati­on of the suffering of the innocent and the getting off of the guilty.

There is something immutable at the core of people – perhaps what used to be called the soul – which explains why people with good parents frequently turn out bad and vice versa. We have become so accepting of clichés like “abusers abuse” that we never stop to wonder why, if this is so, the vast majority of child abusers are not women. We carry on parroting it because it’s oddly comforting, ignoring issues about personal agency and the desire to do evil.

My parents were wonderful people who came from impoverish­ed homes under the rule of monstrous fathers. Yet all I wanted was to behave badly – luckily, “good-bad not evil” as the Shangri-Las put it. I can’t even blame my peer group, as they frequently remonstrat­ed with me to stop breaking my parents’ hearts. The immense decency of my parents had no influence over me whatsoever, just as the deprivatio­n of their childhoods had not shaped them.

So I don’t blame the parents for the fact that violent crime is rising, that rape is becoming decriminal­ised, that domestic murder is at a five-year high and that knife-crime has gone up 80 per cent over the past five years. Most of all I blame the perpetrato­rs, of course. But I also blame the police who fine a young woman for “wasting police time” when she reports her ex-boyfriend five times for harassment and is then murdered by him, as 19-year-old Shana Grice was in Brighton three years ago. I blame the judges who show such clemency to child abusers, rapists and domestic murderers that you’d swear they had some sympathy for them.

It’s hardly ever the parents’ fault that people do evil – but it’s certainly the fault of our broken legal system that they’re out on the streets doing even more evil in record time. To quote another dumb cliché, “forgive and forget” seems to have been having quite a moment for a long time; forgive the criminal – and forget the victim.

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