The Sunday Telegraph

Senior Labour MP took six months to delete anti-Semitic post

Afzal Khan delayed taking action after claiming that he was ‘mortified’ by offensive comments


A LABOUR frontbench­er who claimed that he was “mortified” to discover he had “accidental­ly” shared anti-Semitic posts failed to remove the remarks from his Facebook page for another six months after his apology.

Afzal Khan, the shadow immigratio­n minister, who said he was “sincerely sorry” for sharing a post in 2015 which referred to an “Israel-British-Swiss-Rothschild­s crime syndicate” and “mass murdering Rothschild­s Israeli mafia criminal liars”, only removed the post from his Facebook page yesterday afternoon, after being asked by this newspaper why it remained.

Campaigner­s had alleged that Mr Khan’s failure to remove the remarks called into question the sincerity of his apology.

Yesterday Lord Mann, the Prime Minister’s independen­t adviser on anti-Semitism, said: “These posts are deeply offensive to the [Rothschild] family and deeply offensive to the Jewish community. This is one of the most common anti-Semitic tropes.

“I will ensure that Mr Khan is provided with some technical expertise to assist him.”

Euan Philipps, spokesman for the Labour Against Anti-Semitism campaign, called for Labour to suspend Mr Khan and carry out an investigat­ion.

The post shared by Mr Khan in 2015 featured a video of a US comedian talking about Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister.

Text below the video referred to an “Israel-British-Swiss-Rothschild­s crime syndicate” and “mass murdering Rothschild­s Israeli mafia criminal liars”.

The BBC disclosed in July 2019 that Mr Khan had shared the post on his Facebook profile.

At the time he said: “I am mortified and sincerely sorry about this genuine accident.

“I didn’t read the text below, which contained an anti-Semitic conspiracy about the Rothschild­s. I would never have shared it if I had seen that.”

Yesterday, after The Sunday Telegraph asked Labour why the post remained on Mr Khan’s Facebook page, a spokesman for the MP said: “This was a genuine accident. Afzal is committed to tackling anti-Semitism and bringing communitie­s together. He set up the Greater Manchester Muslim-Jewish Forum and he was awarded a CBE for his work to strengthen community cohesion and interfaith relations.”

Last night Mr Philipps said: “We demand that the Labour Party do what they should have done in September: immediatel­y suspend Mr Khan and carry out a full investigat­ion into his conduct.”

During his campaign for election in 2017 Mr Khan was criticised for earlier remarks on social media in which he compared Israel to a Nazi regime.

He had posted a comment on Twitter stating: “The Israeli government are acting like Nazis in Gaza.” The words derived from the headline of a blog post that he was sharing.

At the time Mr Khan said: “I did not then – nor do I now – endorse the content of the article I tweeted. I have a long track record of fighting racism, including anti-Semitism. I was new to Twitter and made a mistake, which I apologised for.

“In 2008 I was awarded a CBE in part for my work encouragin­g greater understand­ing between Muslims and Jews. As an MEP I have continued this work on the parliament­ary intergroup against anti-Semitism. Judge me on my track record.”

 ??  ?? Afzal Khan shared a Facebook post which referred to ‘mass murdering Rothschild­s Israeli mafia criminal liars’
Afzal Khan shared a Facebook post which referred to ‘mass murdering Rothschild­s Israeli mafia criminal liars’

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