The Sunday Telegraph

Retired doctors could help hospitals deal with coronaviru­s crisis

- By Edward Malnick, Laura Donnelly and Patrick Sawer

RETIRED doctors and nurses could be called back into service to help the NHS tackle the coronaviru­s epidemic, as part of an urgent “battleplan” being drawn up by the Government.

Ministers are considerin­g allowing the “emergency registrati­on” of staff who have left the health service, as well as encouragin­g firms to allow employees to work from home, in order to delay a possible pandemic in Britain if the country is unable to contain the virus.

They are also discussing whether to discourage unnecessar­y travel as part of a “social distancing” strategy to delay the outbreak’s peak to the summer.

The disclosure­s come as Boris Johnson prepares to launch an action plan on what the Government will do if it becomes a “sustained UK epidemic”.

The Sunday Telegraph understand­s the Government is planning on the basis that 2.3million people could end up in critical care as a result of such an outbreak, under a “reasonable worst-case scenario”. Last night, as the confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the UK rose to 23: ◆ The Prime Minister urged the country to heed official advice on stopping the virus’ spread, including “the importance of washing our hands with soap”;

◆ The Sunday Telegraph learnt that Rishi Sunak, the new Chancellor, is poised to rewrite parts of the Budget amid concerns the outbreak could prompt a global recession;

◆ The Government said that Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, will hold regular briefings alongside Prof Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, to update the public, following criticism of the Government’s response so far; ◆ The NHS’s advice line was buckling under the strain, with fears hundreds of people were not getting through to their first port of call for advice;

◆ Health officials were trying to establish how Covid-19 was transmitte­d to a Surrey man after he became the first to contract the virus within the UK.

Of the three new cases confirmed yesterday two of them had recently returned from Italy, while the other had been in Asia, Prof Whitty revealed.

Last night, the first case of coronaviru­s – also associated with travel from an affected area in northern Italy – was confirmed in the Republic of Ireland. The patient is a male in the eastern part of the country, the Health Protection Surveillan­ce Centre said.

Mr Johnson has allocated a minister in each government department to lead its response to the outbreak, for example by overseeing the action taken by schools and businesses.

An updated action plan published this week will outline the steps to be taken to manage the outbreak if it becomes a sustained epidemic in Britain.

Officials said the plan would be adapted from existing contingenc­y plans for a pandemic flu outbreak. The Government is attempting to contain the virus by transferri­ng isolated cases to hospital and carrying out detailed tracing work to establish how Covid-19 was transmitte­d to them.

Plans under considerat­ion for the “delay” phase of the Government’s response include the “emergency registrati­on of health profession­als who

have retired”, including the introducti­on of “emergency indemnity coverage” for those returning to work temporaril­y.

The Government is also considerin­g encouragin­g firms to ask employees to work from home to help contain the spread and reduce the economic disruption of companies shutting down altogether.

Yesterday, it also emerged that ministers will bring forward emergency legislatio­n to speed up the disposal of bodies and allow schools to teach children in larger class sizes, should lots of teachers fall ill. Last night Mr Johnson said: “We must prepare for coronaviru­s and listen to the advice of the Chief Medical Officer – especially about the importance of washing our hands with soap.

“We should be doing that for 20 seconds, and more often than we would normally think was necessary. This will make a real difference in stopping this virus spread. Coronaviru­s may very well be a challenge in the weeks and months ahead.

“But I have no doubt that with the help of the NHS and its incomparab­le staff this country will get through it – and beat it.” Mr Hancock added: “The government and the NHS are working 24/7 to fight this virus, but cannot do this alone.

“Every single person has a role to play in helping to manage the spread of the virus – whether that’s washing your hands more often, catching your sneezes, and following clinical advice by calling NHS 111, not going to A&E if you develop symptoms.”

This week the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity will provide a fourth and final set of economic and fiscal forecasts for the new Chancellor, ahead of next week’s Budget.

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