The Sunday Telegraph

Unionists should leave the SNP to fall apart and concentrat­e on promoting Britishnes­s


The smell of decay is on the SNP. It happens to parties when they have been too long in office. It happened to the Conservati­ves under John Major and to Labour under Gordon Brown. The Salmond/Sturgeon row; accusation­s of a cover-up by John Swinney, the party’s deputy leader; the resignatio­n of the SNP’s Westminste­r chief whip over sexual harassment allegation­s; the decision to legislate now for a future referendum, arrogantly assuming victory in May’s elections; even the proposed criminalis­ation of “hate speech” on private property – all tell the same story. After 14 years in office, the SNP has become tired, entitled, self-serving, too ready to confuse its interests with the interests of Scotland as a whole.

I don’t want to overstate things. The party is still polling at 48 per cent, comfortabl­y ahead of its rivals. But that figure has fallen 10 points this year, and support for independen­ce is also dropping. The decline predates L’Affaire Saumond/Esturgeon, and seems to have been triggered by two things. First, the successful vaccine rollout, partly delivered by Scottish regiments in the British Army. Second, the conspicuou­s failure of the UK economy to follow the Sturgeon script and collapse after leaving the EU.

When Brexit could be conjured as a terrifying phantom, it tended to push up support for both separatism and separatist­s. Once it became establishe­d fact, though, it started having the opposite effect. Now, the SNP must explain how it would go about rejoining the EU. Would Scotland hand its fishing grounds back again? What would it cut to meet the debt and deficit rules? Would its economy be sufficient­ly aligned with the euro?

How would it handle a hard goods border with England?

Scots are already asking these questions, and don’t need to be spoon-fed them by Unionist politician­s. Nor do they need Unionists to spell out that the SNP is starting to rot. As a general rule in politics, voters discount anything that one party says about another (“they would say that wouldn’t they?”) Being disobligin­g about your rivals thus tends to damage them less than it damages you.

So what should Unionists be doing? As the Scottish Conservati­ves gather online for their annual spring conference, they should concentrat­e on celebratin­g Britishnes­s as an extraordin­arily successful global brand.

We have two textbook examples of how not to win a referendum. In the 2014 Scottish poll and the 2016 EU one, the anti-change side made the mistake of seeking to stir fear. It is true that, as a species, we are change-averse, often irrational­ly so. But stronger than our status quo bias is our dislike of being pushed around. A certain bloodymind­edness defines the British character – and perhaps especially the Scottish character. Told that we can’t do something, we naturally respond: “I’ll be the judge of that, thank you”.

A better Unionist strategy is “show, don’t tell”. No speech or broadcast will do as much for the British brand as our global success in the inoculatio­n race or, come to that, the Treasury credit that made possible the furlough scheme and associated payments. The EU liked to find existing projects, contribute a tiny proportion of the budget, and then put its 12-star flag all over them. The UK Treasury needs no such prestidigi­tation. It really is paying for some successful schemes, and should allow that fact to shine through.

This is true, too, of infrastruc­ture projects. Much attention has been drawn to the quixotic idea of a tunnel to Northern Ireland, but there is plenty of more immediatel­y practical work to be done, such as improving the A75 and dualling the A1. State investment

in highways in the eighteenth-century – until then most roads had been privately financed turnpikes – helped integrate both markets and people throughout the British Isles.

Bread-and-butter issues matter in politics, never more so than when a governing party is visibly running out of steam. One of the reasons the SNP keeps starting symbolic fights – Scotland is now the only place I can think of where official buildings refuse to fly the flag of the country of which they are part, but instead fly the flag of an organisati­on (the EU) of which they are not part – is that it does not want to talk about schools or hospitals. Sturgeon has calculated that her core supporters, like Donald Trump’s, will put up with a great deal provided she keeps telling them what they want to hear.

She may be right. Equally, those core supporters may be fewer in number than she supposes. While Scots are fairly evenly split on independen­ce – polls currently show a small Unionist majority, having recently been the other way around – they are decidedly

against holding another poll now. Again, they don’t need Unionist politician­s to explain why. Holding a needless vote in the middle of the epidemic and the worst financial crisis in history would be bizarre.

Boris is thus in the comfortabl­e position of being able to follow public opinion rather than trying to lead it. He is right to say that he has no objection in principle to another independen­ce referendum. One of the things we should be proud of in this country is that people can vote to leave it – something few states around the world can say. Equally, the PM is right to say that holding a referendum within the next four years, something only around a third of Scots favour, would be extraordin­arily self-indulgent.

In the meantime, Unionists should unashamedl­y bang the drum for Britain. The Scottish Secretary, the wry and good-humoured Dumfriessh­ire businessma­n, Alister Jack, has a neat phrase. Britain, he likes to say, is a family of nations – and a nation of families. Most of us have relatives in more than one of the constituen­t parts, and we dislike the thought of turning those relatives into foreigners.

Michael Gove, the strategic mind behind Vote Leave, knows better than anyone how self-wounding were suggestion­s by various Eurocrats that Britain did very nicely out of EU membership. Instead of telling Scots that they’ve got a good thing going, he prefers to emphasise what they bring to the table.

The institutio­ns most valued in this country have benefited disproport­ionately from Scottish leadership: Parliament, the universiti­es, the civil service and, most of all, the Armed Forces. Pitt the Elder boasted of having turned Highlander­s, whose loyalty had recently hung in the balance, into the Crown’s fiercest soldiers. “I sought for merit in the mountains of the North”, he told Parliament. “I called it forth, and drew into your service a hardy and intrepid race of men.”

Scots invented many of the things that improved the lot of our species: telephones, penicillin, cash machines, steam engines, golf, television, daily disposable contact lenses, toasters – and, not least, the United Kingdom, in the sense that both the Union of Crowns and the Acts of Union were chiefly driven from north of the border.

The UK went on to become the greatest force for freedom on the planet, ending slavery, defeating fascism and communism, driving the spread of liberty under law. All because of the outsize contributi­on of a hardy and intrepid race of men. That’s quite a song to sing.

Holding a needless vote in the middle of the epidemic and worst financial crisis in history would be bizarre

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 ??  ?? A digital billboard displayed in Glasgow: after years in office, the SNP, now led by Nicola Sturgeon, has become tired and self-serving
A digital billboard displayed in Glasgow: after years in office, the SNP, now led by Nicola Sturgeon, has become tired and self-serving

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