The Sunday Telegraph

The authoritar­ian temptation is on the rise – from Belarus to the United States


Around the world, democracy is in retreat. The autocratic slide which began around the middle of the last decade reached a tipping point with the 2020 lockdowns. Authoritar­ianism is now in the ascendant both geopolitic­ally (as power shifts from the West to China) and internally (as individual­s demand the smack of firm government).

Glance at almost any bit of the map. The generals have taken back power in Myanmar. Belarus’s malign tyrant, Alexander Lukashenko, insouciant after his airline piracy, is upping the ante: last week, another of his opponents, Vitaly Shishov, was found murdered in Ukraine, his body strung up in a Kiev park.

President Kais Saied of Tunisia has dissolved parliament, blocked Al Jazeera’s broadcasts and sent troops on to the streets. Tunisia was the last country where the Arab Spring might still be said to have been a success. A decade after those optimistic risings, it was the only state in the region scoring higher than it had before 2011 on measures such as corruption, internet freedom, security of property and the jailing of journalist­s. Cross Tunisia off the list and not a single Arab state qualifies as an open democracy.

Latin America, too, is collapsing into dictatorsh­ip. In Cuba last month, as in Venezuela in 2019, the soldiers remained loyal to their caudillo. The spasm of protest passed, leaving 500 demonstrat­ors unaccounte­d for.

Indeed, the anti-democratic Left is on a regional roll. Daniel Ortega, the sinister, lisping strongman who commanded Nicaragua’s Sandinista­s and came back as president following a squalid deal in 2007, has no intention of allowing any more free ballots. He has rounded up and arrested 20 potential opposition candidates, ignoring the squeals of protest from the US and Europe. In my native Peru, the new Marxist president, Pedro Castillo, has filled his government with apologists for Shining Path terrorism. (Imagine Jeremy Corbyn somehow making a comeback here and appointing Gerry Adams as Home Secretary.) Peru’s embrace of the totalitari­an Left confirms the regional trend: Argentina and Bolivia recently went the same way and, more alarmingly, the continenta­l grown-ups – Colombia, Brazil and Chile – look set to follow.

I could go on – I haven’t mentioned Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin or Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – but you get the picture.

We should be careful not to pick a few eye-catching cases and infer a global trend from them. A piece of faulty wiring in our brains makes us over-interpret bad news. Reports of a gruesome murder, for example, make us think that crime is far higher than it really is. A single plane crash puts us irrational­ly off air travel. Psychologi­sts call it “negativity bias”, and it constantly pushes us to needless pessimism.

Still, there are ways to quantify the global prevalence of liberal democracy. Are opposition candidates disqualifi­ed on technicali­ties? Are independen­t media able to operate? Are the electoral authoritie­s free from government control?

Several organisati­ons – Freedom House, Internatio­nal IDEA, the Economist Intelligen­ce Unit and others – publish league tables of democracie­s. Though they use slightly different methodolog­ies, they all reach the same conclusion – namely that, after several decades of improvemen­t, things have started to deteriorat­e. The Democracy Index, for example, found that just 8.4 per cent of the world’s population lived in full democracie­s in 2020, while more than a third lived under authoritar­ian rule. Its global score of 5.37 out of 10 was the lowest recorded since it started work in 2006.

To some extent, these numbers reflect anti-Covid measures. Emergency laws have been passed

Britain was spared the worst... Then came Covid, and all at once the country was full of petty dictators

without proper scrutiny, borders closed, curfews imposed, anti-vax websites taken down. All these things might be seen as temporary. Except that the trend had already set in before the lockdowns.

In 2017, shortly before his death, the celebrated conservati­ve commentato­r Charles Krauthamme­r wrote “The Authoritar­ian Temptation”, which analysed the way previously open democracie­s – Hungary, Turkey, Venezuela – had fallen to despotism:

“And now, in a developmen­t once unimaginab­le, mature Western democracie­s are experienci­ng a surge of ethnonatio­nalism, a blood-and-soil patriotism tinged with xenophobia, a weariness with parliament­ary dysfunctio­n and an attraction – still only an attraction, not yet a commitment – to strongman rule.”

When Krauthamme­r wrote those

words, Trumpism was still a mutant strain that had, almost by accident, infected the Republican Party. Even in 2017, being a conservati­ve usually meant being a Reaganite – a believer in open competitio­n, constituti­onal propriety and limited government. All that has gone now. Fox News, which fiercely opposed Trump during the primaries, now barely airs any alternativ­e views. The same is true of its mimic, Newsmax. It is true, too, of previously free-market think tanks and of almost every Congressio­nal Republican. Trump himself may have stormed sulkily off the stage, but not before he had shredded the tenets of the previous conservati­ve creed: that character matters; that a bare majority doesn’t mean you can ignore the rules; that you should show restraint in government and generosity in opposition; that free trade makes everyone richer.

American conservati­sm has suddenly been transforme­d into something much closer to European authoritar­ianism of the kind embodied by, say, Marine Le Pen: interventi­onist, hostile to globalisat­ion, impatient with parliament­ary rule. The guiding text for the new movement is Why Liberalism Failed by the Catholic political theorist Patrick Deneen. Some of its exponents argue that a benevolent dictatorsh­ip is preferable to a market-based democracy. One of their heroes is the Portuguese autocrat, António Salazar.

In Britain, we have so far been spared the worst of this tendency. Still, the response to the Brexit referendum revealed that a large chunk of the nation was prepared, Trump-like, to disregard process in pursuit of a preferred outcome.

Luckily for us, Boris Johnson’s Rabelaisia­n personalit­y, his horror at being bossed about, meant that Britain went into the lockdowns with, by global standards, an unusually liberal political culture.

But then came Covid, and all at once the country was full of petty dictators, demanding restrictio­ns, raging at non-conformist­s, opposing any move to lift the prohibitio­ns. The whole world was affected, but the change was especially noticeable in Britain, with its previously individual­ist culture.

The worst of it is how few people seem to care. Again, outcome trumps process. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán has critics on the Left, Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro has critics on the Right. But hardly anyone is disinteres­tedly making the case for constituti­onal democracy. The open society is slipping away unmourned and unremarked. By heaven, we’ll miss it when it has gone.

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 ??  ?? Belarus protests: opposition supporters attend a rally to voice their anger over the disputed August 9 presidenti­al election results
Belarus protests: opposition supporters attend a rally to voice their anger over the disputed August 9 presidenti­al election results

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