The Sunday Telegraph

We do need a regulator for our Members of Parliament. Let’s call it ... ‘the electorate’

- DANIEL HANNAN FOLLOW Daniel Hannan on Twitter @DanielJHan­nan; READ MORE at

HPerhaps Ms Stone is a model of even-handedness. It doesn’t really matter. The system is still rotten

ow do today’s MPs compare with those of previous generation­s? To parliament­arians from, say, the 1950s or the 1980s? Do you reckon they are more venal, less venal or about the same? If formal regulation works, our current MPs should be the noblest and purest crop ever. External oversight has been progressiv­ely strengthen­ed since 1995.

Until then, MPs were answerable to their constituen­ts, not to any intermedia­ry quango. In theory, they were free to work full-time for arms dealers and never show their faces at Westminste­r; in practice, they knew that their behaviour was policed by their electorate.

Then came John Major and “Tory sleaze” and the establishm­ent of a committee on standards and the Nolan Report and more regulation and bath plugs and duck houses and IPSA and even more regulation.

So, let’s ask the question again. Have all these rules and commission­s served to make Parliament a cleaner place?

If anything, I’d say they have had the opposite effect. Not because today’s MPs are any less (or any more) virtuous than their predecesso­rs, but because the regulation­s skew their incentives. Once a committee has itemised in detail what they can and can’t do, the imperative is to comply with its rules rather than to fret about whether their behaviour is, in a broader sense, edifying.

Cast your mind back to the expenses scandal of 2009. Four MPs were found to have obtained money by deceit, convicted and sent to prison. But almost all the others reacted to the Telegraph’s wince-making revelation­s in the same way, namely by pointing out that their behaviour had been technicall­y within the rules.

They were correct. Some had behaved spivvily, some extravagan­tly, some blamelessl­y; but almost all had stayed within the letter of the regulation­s. A culture of conscience had been replaced by a culture of compliance.

And how did MPs respond to the public’s fury? Why, by establishi­ng even more stringent rules, invigilate­d by yet new bodies. I argued in these pages at the time that they were ladling out more of the medicine that had sickened the patient. Raising up unelected busybodies to sit in judgment over Parliament, I wrote, would cheapen democracy.

Plenty of MPs sidled up to me, mumbling mournful assent. But none dared vote against the new strictures.

I don’t blame them. Recall the mood of that time. Many voters had become so enraged by the general revelation­s that they were not interested in whether a particular MP had done anything wrong. Rather, they demanded a kind of collective punishment.

To oppose tighter regulation­s would have met with tremendous resistance. So MPs, cowed and dejected, trooped through the lobbies to empower a body that would tell them what constitute­d a good reason to spend the night in London and what it considered an acceptable level of outside earnings.

Wednesday’s vote was a laudable attempt to release the ratchet before it got any tighter. Yes, the timing was disastrous. Instead of legislatin­g in peacetime, so to speak, the Conservati­ves procrastin­ated. As so often, they eventually acted only when their hand was forced, creating the catastroph­ic impression that they were passing laws in response to a specific case.

What might have been an almost technical question – when should outside interests prevent MPs from saying things they ought otherwise to say – was turned into a cronyism row. And all for nothing: the following day’s U-turn landed the Tories in the worst of all worlds, appearing simultaneo­usly weak and selfintere­sted, while still precipitat­ing a by-election in Shropshire.

But if we can all agree that the execution was execrable, the intent was and remains correct. The current regime is not working. It is arbitrary, lopsided, open to abuse and lacking any self-righting mechanism.

Privately, MPs from all parties acknowledg­e as much. Talk to Labour and SNP politician­s and they will share their gripes about the system – though, naturally, they won’t air them while there is a chance to revive the phrase “Tory sleaze”.

They know very well where public opinion sits. Politician­s – curiously, when we consider what the alternativ­es to parliament­ary democracy are – always incur a disbenefit of the doubt, a presumptio­n of wrongdoing. Anyone saying “make life harder for MPs”, which is how a tougher standards regime is usually presented, is guaranteed a sympatheti­c hearing.

That’s why Parliament got into this mess in the first place. Still, someone needs to point out what is wrong with the existing set-up. Even if we could guarantee that every Parliament­ary Commission­er for Standards was wise and disinteres­ted, it would still be wrong in principle to combine in that position the roles of investigat­or, prosecutor and judge.

In practice, commission­ers, like other human beings, have their prejudices and assumption­s. There is no requiremen­t for them to be qualified judges or, indeed, to have studied law. The current office holder, Kathryn Stone, has degrees in sociology and women’s studies, and a profession­al background as a social worker.

Some Conservati­ves believe she is harder on them than on the other side. Owen Paterson plainly felt he was being singled out for behaviour that he had made no attempt to hide. His friends point out that, on the day he was forced to step down, the Corbynite MP Claudia Webbe was allowed to remain in Parliament after being handed a suspended prison sentence for threatenin­g to throw acid in someone’s face.

Perhaps their complaints are sour grapes. Perhaps Ms Stone is a model of even-handedness. It doesn’t really matter. The system is still rotten, lacking as it does any judicial process or right of appeal.

What is the alternativ­e? Surely it’s to establish a mighty external regulator that can sack MPs without so much as a by-your-leave, and to widen that regulator’s remit so that, as well as malpractic­e, it can kick them out for being lazy, tiresome, rude or wrong. We should call that regulator “the electorate”. And we should strengthen it by allowing it to act between general elections.

In 2008, I co-wrote a book with Douglas Carswell called The Plan.

We proposed, as part of a package of decentrali­sing measures, a recall mechanism, whereby local voters could force a by-election. The threshold would need to be high enough to deter frivolous attempts – 10 or 15 per cent of the eligible electorate would need to sign a petition – and there would be nothing to prevent an incumbent from standing again.

Our proposal made its way into the 2010 Conservati­ve manifesto. But by the time it reached the statute book, the rats had got at it. Instead of a straightfo­rward recall right, local by-elections would be permitted only if the parliament­ary standards committee found someone guilty of a serious offence. In other words, a measure originally intended to empower the electorate ended up doing the opposite. It would be up to a parliament­ary clique to decide whether to throw an MP – maybe one they disliked on personal or ideologica­l grounds – to the wolves.

The idea that MPs must answer to regulators stems from a fundamenta­l misunderst­anding of their role. They are not simply one more branch of the public sector. Indeed, they don’t really have jobs in the sense that we normally use that word. Rather, they have the privilege of speaking for us in the supreme counsels of our nation and, with it, an implied fiduciary responsibi­lity to their constituen­ts – that is, an obligation to defend their interests.

So, let their constituen­ts hold them to account. Parliament, after all, was set up to prevent government­s from acting in ways harmful to the population.

Over the past 48 hours we have celebrated, albeit in a miserable, muted, Covid-compliant way, the only folk festival that is both widely marked and peculiar to our nation. It says something about first England and later, by extension, Britain, that this event should be a celebratio­n of our legislatur­e. For more than four centuries, we have, around our November bonfires, implicitly recognised that our liberty is linked to the supremacy of Parliament.

What, I wonder, would the survivors of that terrorist attack, those Jacobean MPs, quarrelsom­e, drunken and fiercely jealous of their privileges, think of their successors submitting to regulation by (as they would understand it) a parcel of placemen? Assuredly, it would be nothing good.

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 ?? ?? Bonfire of the liberties? Our freedom is linked to the supremacy of Parliament; tougher standards regimes mean that a culture of conscience is replaced by a culture of compliance
Bonfire of the liberties? Our freedom is linked to the supremacy of Parliament; tougher standards regimes mean that a culture of conscience is replaced by a culture of compliance
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