The Sunday Telegraph

PM and Cop27


SIR – I am at a loss as to why there is so much pressure and importance being put on our Prime Minister to attend the Cop27 climate conference in Egypt next month (report, October 28).

I would take these climate jamborees more seriously if they were held via Zoom, or if the attendees walked, sailed, or drove there in a horse and cart. Surely, by the time the world leaders and their entourages have jetted in, been accommodat­ed in air-conditione­d hotels and given delicious foods and wines, it negates any carbon saving that could or would have been made.

I, for one, am pleased Rishi Sunak isn’t going to join the hypocrites. Caroline Cornell

Winslow, Buckingham­shire

SIR – I was surprised to hear on Radio 4 on Friday morning that Rishi Sunak’s decision not to attend Cop27 was being widely criticised. Everyone I had spoken to held the view that he has plenty to get on with at home and that Alok Sharma was more than capable of representi­ng Britain in Egypt.

It made me wonder whether the BBC represents a balanced view of the nation. Then we learnt that Sir Keir Starmer had criticised the decision – which explained everything.

Mark Rayner

Eastbourne, East Sussex

SIR – Senior civil servants are apparently upset by the reappointm­ent of Suella Braverman.

I continue to wonder why Simon “bring your own booze” Case remains in post as both Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil Service. Keith Taylor

Leavenheat­h, Essex

SIR – In recent months I’ve become accustomed to your readers declaring that they have cut up their Conservati­ve Party membership card. However, I’d really like to know which party, if any, they have defected to, as I can’t see any plausible alternativ­e to the Conservati­ves, despite the problems they currently face. David Tomlinson

Hopton, Suffolk

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