The Sunday Telegraph

Amnesty Internatio­nal has become a woke joke

The group has ditched its valuable efforts for prisoners of conscience in favour of hard-Left campaigns and a deranged stance on Israel

- READ MORE opinion Stephen Pollard is editor-at-large at The Jewish Chronicle

When Amnesty Internatio­nal was founded in 1961, it quickly establishe­d itself as a global force for good. Its work on behalf of prisoners of conscience raised awareness of those imprisoned for their beliefs and their letter-writing campaigns could be surprising­ly effective in pressuring tyrannical government­s. Many of those it chose to support reported later, for instance, that torture had stopped when the letters started to pour in.

It was apolitical, too, in being a genuine champion of freedom of thought and expression. There was no checklist of views that those it campaigned for had to hold; what mattered was that they had been imprisoned solely for having a view.

But in recent decades, Amnesty has proved the immutable truth of Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics: “Any organisati­on not explicitly and constituti­onally Right-wing will sooner or later become Left-wing.”

Amnesty is now an archetypal Left-wing NGO, deeply partisan and concerned solely with advancing a set of drearily familiar ideas that make it no different from the likes of Stop the War, Extinction Rebellion and some of the more notorious Islamist groups.

On Thursday, for example, it tweeted, “We’re running out of time” over a montage of so-called “climate activists” throwing paint, soup, jam and mashed potato over various iconic artworks. If you are wondering what daubing mashed potato on Monet’s Grainstack­s has to do with freeing prisoners of conscience or stopping torture, the answer is, of course, nothing. That’s because, to many observers, Amnesty seems to have nothing much to do with freeing prisoners of conscience or stopping torture.

In August, Amnesty highlighte­d numerous alleged breaches of internatio­nal law in Ukraine. But the breaches were supposedly Ukraine’s, for daring to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. Unsurprisi­ngly, the head of Amnesty’s own Ukraine office, Oksana Pokalchuk, resigned. But this inversion of reality, so typical of organisati­ons on both the hard-Left and hard-Right, is Amnesty’s modus operandi. Thus, in 2015, it was revealed that Amnesty had been providing support to Cage, the advocacy organisati­on whose research director, Asim Qureshi, infamously described the Isis terrorist Mohammed Emwazi, known as “Jihadi John”, as a “beautiful young man”.

In response to the furore, Amnesty’s director said, “We are reviewing whether any future associatio­n with the group would now be appropriat­e.” That review clearly deepened their liking of Cage, because last year Amnesty again teamed up with it (and other similar groups) in a joint statement attacking a review into the Government’s Prevent scheme for tackling radicalisa­tion.

This is all par for the course for such NGOs, as is a fixation on the unique evil of the world’s only Jewish state. Amnesty has produced a series of increasing­ly deranged “reports” about Israel. Its latest, in February, was so riddled with errors of fact and law that Amnesty Israel’s executive director described it as a “punch in the gut”.

As night follows day, so any group obsessed with Israel will attack those who fight anti-Semitism. Sure enough, when Amnesty’s ludicrous research was ripped apart, its secretary general responded that its critics sought to “weaponise anti-Semitism”, a phrase that is now de rigueur in such parts.

This is today’s Amnesty: a hard-Left campaign organisati­on that stands with racists against the victims of racism, accuses the victims of an invasion of being internatio­nal criminals for defending themselves, and allies with groups that lionise Islamist terrorists.

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