The Sunday Telegraph

If Sunak and Hunt don’t change course, we are heading for severe recession

Liz Truss’s pro-growth agenda is what the UK economy needed. We will all suffer from its demise


The implosion of Liz Truss’s mini-Budget and the subsequent collapse of her administra­tion are in danger of doing the UK economy grave long-term damage.

The new regime of Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt is on course to learn all the wrong lessons from the turmoil in the markets, which brought down their predecesso­rs and triggered an abrupt and futile change of policy.

Truss was right to prioritise growth. Her prescripti­on of tax cuts and supply-side reforms – all aimed at getting the economy moving and so boosting output, jobs and business expansion, and ultimately tax revenues for public services – was the right one.

The tragedy was that she and her chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng failed to produce the documentar­y evidence that would reassure the markets that their tax cuts would be covered by faster growth. Poor presentati­on and communicat­ion proved their downfall.

The danger now is serious. Sunak and Hunt are set on a course that will turn a stagnant economy into a shrinking one, with unemployme­nt rising, firms folding and the quality of public services declining even more.

The whole notion of a growth agenda has tragically been rendered toxic. The track we are now on – fiscal tightening (tax rises and spending cuts) plus monetary tightening (high interest and mortgage payments) – has been tried before and invariably leads us further on to the scorched earth of more tax rises, more spending cuts and a slump in living standards.

Politicall­y, for the Conservati­ves, the outlook is grim. If Sunak and Hunt press ahead in the November 17 Autumn Statement with their triple whammy of tax rises, spending cuts and higher mortgage rates, the country is unlikely to forgive them.

The story being peddled by the current consensus of policymake­rs and UK market economists is that the recent mini-Budget drove the UK’s credit-worthiness to terrible levels, due to fears of budgetary profligacy. This reading of events badly exaggerate­s UK credit risk. The rates on UK gilt five-year credit default swaps (which prices the risk a country will not pay its debts) did not move in recent months beyond the range of France.

The main cause of the gilt rate surge that destabilis­ed Truss’s administra­tion was the shift in expectatio­ns of future Bank of England set interest rates.

So today what we need is the return of good monetary policy together with well-crafted fiscal policy. The market’s expectatio­ns of rising UK inflation to which the Bank would supposedly need to respond with those higher interest rates can now be seen as far too gloomy: inflation will fall on the back of commodity prices imploding as the world economy slows.

The key implicatio­n of these events is that they do not justify a hair-shirt avoidance of public borrowing: the UK’s credit reputation remains strong, with interest rates now projected not to go much above 3 per cent.

While the Truss administra­tion was too insensitiv­e to the potential for market opinion reacting negatively to its borrowing policies, the present Government is going to the opposite extreme and looking far too sensitive in planning to borrow little or not at all, in case market opinion pushes back.

The policies that are reported to be planned are woefully inappropri­ate for the UK economy in its current state. They will worsen the growing recession and will depress growth over the longer term.

The Treasury is pushing for “extra taxes” to offset the fall in revenue induced by the recession its contractio­nary policies are causing. This thinking causes a “doom loop” in which rising taxes chase a falling economy, pushing tax revenues still lower. The Treasury’s orthodoxy morphing into sado-masochism.

Raising corporatio­n tax and our top marginal income tax rates penalises entreprene­urial incentives and reduces our internatio­nal competitiv­eness.

As Truss acknowledg­ed, we need to move to a reformed tax system that maximises growth. This involves keeping tax rates down via borrowing until the policies bear fruit in the form of higher growth. From that point the debt/GDP ratio would come down and pay off the borrowing. The “cautious” Hunt/Sunak policies stalling growth mean this will not happen.

The Bank managed after the Truss-Kwarteng budget to create a huge tightening of money by allowing, even encouragin­g, long-term interest rates to rise in expectatio­n of its intended raising of interest rates to eye-watering levels. This occurred late in the day, when the world economy was already slowing sharply on extreme and rapid monetary tightening by most world central banks led by the US Fed. Money supply growth has now fallen to near zero in most countries, the UK included.

With commodity prices now plunging and demand cratering, here and elsewhere inflation next year is likely to fall to 5 per cent or less.

The Bank now needs to relieve the monetary pressure. It can do this by continuing to raise bank rates to around 3 per cent but also using QE to reduce gilt rates towards this level, signalling it sees no need to raise them much further. This way it confirms its counter-inflationa­ry intent while loosening the monetary vice currently throttling the economy.

Policy can still avoid plunging the UK economy into recession and endlessly low growth. But it rapidly needs to change course to do so.

What we need is the return of good monetary policy together with wellcrafte­d fiscal policy

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