The Sunday Telegraph

Defund woke universiti­es to defeat the new totalitari­ans


Last week the Quality Assurance Agency, an outfit posturing as a standards-setter for university degree courses but which has no official standing, announced that curriculum­s in 25 subjects should be “decolonise­d”. Among its gems of idiocy were that “racism, classism, ableism, homophobia and patriarchy” should feature in teaching geography. Were that not enough, young people should, the QAA said, be taught how scientists have “benefited from and perpetuate­d misogyny, racism, homophobia, ableism and other prejudices”. Apparently, those who split the atom and discovered DNA and penicillin were fundamenta­lly evil because of their whiteness, maleness, Britishnes­s and perceived heterosexu­ality.

The QAA, which panders to the fetishes of the most blithering student activists, has no direct relationsh­ip with government. It does have one with the Office for Students, an official body, though that ends next March; it is easy to see why. Sadly, some dons live in inexplicab­le fear of their more extreme students’ opinions, and therefore many universiti­es are afraid to ignore QAA “guidelines”, even though there is no requiremen­t to follow them.

Why students should be accorded such respect by their elders is not only bizarre, but dangerous. Some dons are deeply politicall­y motivated, and wish to smash the existing structures of the society in which they live, and seize opportunit­ies to endorse their students’ most illiberal views. Others crave popularity; others fear a Twitter mob persecutin­g them, and being “cancelled” or losing their jobs. Thus whatever toxic cause students adopt they can usually find teachers ready to appease them.

This illiberali­sm, which the QAA seeks to emulate, has also included the shameful driving out of Kathleen Stock, professor of philosophy at Sussex University, for refusing to comply with the new trans orthodoxy that would eliminate the idea of a woman from traditiona­l ideas of gender. Another example of the determinat­ion to impose philosophi­es on others, eliminatin­g freedom of choice, thought, action and speech, came last week when Stirling University student union announced it would be vegan by 2025.

Universiti­es should encourage individual­ism. But when they submit to deluded prejudices it becomes routine to exclude freedom and standardis­e behaviour, while using the curriculum to reinforce a world view currently held only by a tiny but vocal and bullying minority. It closes off large sections of thought, culture and learning to students who will, consequent­ly, leave their universiti­es indoctrina­ted, but not educated. Such institutio­ns produce people so afraid to think for themselves that they cannot think for themselves. Potential students may start to question whether the huge cost of university is worth it if they receive no education.

A backlash is, thank God, under way. A new film, Tár, starring Cate Blanchett as a conductor, includes a scene in which she minces a brainwashe­d youth who rejects Bach because he is white. It accurately exposes the breathtaki­ng, ignorant illiberali­sm of the self-righteous young and, by extension, the shamefulne­ss of teachers and peers afraid to challenge this destructiv­e mindset.

Robert Halfon, the universiti­es minister, denounced the QAA’s attempt to hijack universiti­es and, effectivel­y, to end freedom of thought. Most of our universiti­es are state funded: it is a scandal that this anti-educationa­l movement should flourish under a nominally Conservati­ve government. Mr Halfon could stop this intellectu­al degeneracy in its tracks, by defunding universiti­es that choose to conform with the toxic ideas of the QAA. That would present them with the option of going under, or of guaranteei­ng genuine academic rigour in their courses and fulfilling their purpose.

One suspects the desire for ideologica­l martyrdom is less than that for surviving and, as such, something as bold as defunding delinquent establishm­ents might yet succeed in restoring academic order.

Something must be done to protect rigour and freedom in higher education

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