The Sunday Telegraph

Reform UK’s future


SIR – Daniel Hannan’s suggestion that Reform UK’s apparent success is merely a mirage (Comment, April 21) may, to some extent, be true. But is that any different to the success of Labour or the Tory party? How many of their solutions have failed, yet have been paid for by taxpayers?

What we do know is that both are tax-and-spend parties, and neither is prepared to seriously challenge the welfare largesse encouraged during the pandemic, just as neither was prepared to seriously question the wisdom of lockdown. The result is a population spoon-fed on taxpayerfu­nded welfare, which it now expects as a right.

We now, essentiall­y, have two Left-wing parties keen to outdo each other in the continuing provision of taxpayer-funded generosity, and Reform UK, which is prepared to take a serious look at welfare and tax.

It may be a mirage to Mr Hannan, but to me, and millions like me, it is currently the only sensible option.

Arthur Smith Grappenhal­l, Cheshire

SIR – I don’t disagree with Daniel Hannan that Reform UK has no prospect of office, but I don’t agree that a vote for the party is wasted.

After a lifetime of voting Conservati­ve (except for a brief period of voting for the Brexit Party) I will be voting Reform next time.

I would like to see the Conservati­ve Party obliterate­d at the next election. There will then follow 10 years of Labour incompeten­ce, which will destroy them. This will leave room for a new party and the country will stand a chance of returning to a sensible government that implements what most people want and believe is right, instead of giving lip service to it.

Ken Webb Bardsey, West Yorkshire

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