The Week Junior - Science + Nature

Things to spot in the night sky


Lagoon Nebula

Covering an area of the sky three times the size of Earth’s Moon, this star-forming nebula in Sagittariu­s is a beautiful sight through binoculars.

Wild Duck Cluster

Messier 11 is known as the Wild Duck Cluster because, seen through binoculars, its brightest stars have a V-like pattern, similar to flying ducks.

Great ball of stars

Messier 22 is a huge ball of old red stars in orbit around our galaxy. It lies in the constellat­ion Sagittariu­s and is faintly visible to the naked eye.

Scutum Star Cloud

This patch of stars in the Milky Way stands out from the background because it is surrounded on all sides by light-absorbing dust.

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