The Week - Junior

Plan an assembly

If you want to inspire others at school…


You have no doubt sat through many assemblies at school. The most fascinatin­g assemblies have the power to grab your attention and get you interested in a subject you may have previously known nothing about, but have you ever thought about standing up and putting on an assembly yourself?

More and more schools and teachers are getting pupils involved in assemblies, either by asking them to come up with ideas for themes, or encouragin­g them to plan and present one to the rest of their year – or even the entire school.

This gives you an exciting opportunit­y to come up with a subject for an assembly that you think is important and should be shared with other students. A popular theme for pupils’ assemblies is the climate and environmen­t. It could be an idea as simple as how to recycle more efficientl­y at home, or as complex as how climate change is affecting sea levels and global weather. However you tackle the subject, you should aim to inspire and inform your classmates.

You could even get some of your friends involved in the planning. It’s often easier to prepare an assembly alongside a few of your classmates. One of you could be responsibl­e for artwork or slides, one for props and one for writing a song or playing an instrument. When you present the assembly you may feel nervous speaking in front of lots of people, but try to imagine instead that you are speaking to just one person – it can help to make you feel more confident. Once you start, you will find it’s not as difficult as you first thought.

Your teacher will happy to help you prepare, and the feeling of presenting your own ideas to other people is like no other. It might even inspire you to do more.

 ??  ?? Talk about something you’re interested in.
Talk about something you’re interested in.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? A teacher can help you.
A teacher can help you.
 ??  ??

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