The Week - Junior

Do leaders need an age limit?

Some people think Joe Biden is too old to be the US president.


What you need to know

The US president, Joe Biden, is 81 years old and will seek re-election this year, but a recent poll showed that 86% of Americans think he’s too old to serve another four-year term.

US presidenti­al candidates must be at least 35 years old when they take office, but there is no upper age limit.

In January, Gabriel Attal became France’s youngest prime minister, at 34. Other younger leaders include the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric (38), and Vjosa Osmani (41), president of Kosovo.

The UK’s Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is 43. The average age of an MP is 51.

People in the US will choose their next president in November this year. Joe Biden, who became the oldest US president in history since he took charge in 2021, is hoping to be re-elected. Some people worry that such a demanding job requires someone to be younger and fitter. However, in many cultures older people are considered a good choice because they have learned a lot over the years and gained wisdom from experience. Most countries are led by politician­s who are much younger than Biden. So, what do you think? Should an age limit be imposed so younger, fresher candidates have a chance to take charge, or are older leaders a better bet?

Yes – it’s a demanding job

Being a leader is physically and mentally challengin­g. They have to travel around the world, go to lots of meetings and work long hours. As the body ages, people often need more rest than they did when they were young, so they might struggle to keep going. Doctors say that as people get older, it is normal for the brain to process informatio­n a little more slowly than it used to. It is also common for a person to become a bit forgetful. To make good decisions, a leader has to remember a lot of complex informatio­n. This might be tricky if their memory is unreliable. Leaders also have to handle a lot of stress because their decisions affect people’s lives. It’s not fair to place such heavy demands on an elderly person.

No – it’s ability that counts

A person should be judged by their ability and their character, not their age. Everybody ages at different rates and many people stay strong, healthy and mentally sharp well into old age. Older people have the benefit of more experience and more knowledge, which helps them make better decisions. With less experience, younger people might make the wrong decisions because they haven’t had time to learn from their mistakes. Being a good leader is not about age, it’s about being able to see things from other people’s point of view. As long as someone is healthy, they should be allowed to be a leader whether they are young or old. It’s wrong to assume someone can’t do a job just because of their age.

 ?? ?? Gabriel Attal
Joe Biden
Gabriel Attal Joe Biden

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