The Week - Junior

Move to feel good

Enjoy what your body can do for your mood and your mind.


When you move your body, your muscles, bones, mind and heart all feel the benefits – physical activity makes you happy and strong from the inside out.

Why does moving feel so good?

The mind and the body are connected, so when we are active and move our bodies, our minds usually feel better. This is because movement reduces the levels of stress hormones (chemicals made by the body) and boosts chemicals that make you feel happy. Lildonia Lawrence is a wellbeing coach. She says noticing your body’s sensations can make you more aware of how your thoughts and feelings are affected. “Think of a time when you’ve ridden a bike down a hill and felt the wind against your face. Or when you make up a dance routine with your friend,” says Lawrence. Studies show that people who are active – anything that raises your energy levels and gets your heart pumping – feel happier and more confident. This can be useful if you’re feeling anxious or sad.

“When we feel unhappy, our body releases stress hormones,” says Lawrence. “That’s why parents or caregivers might say let’s go for a walk, because it can help shift your energy.”

Your body and your brain

Exercise also helps the brain to work better. Lawrence says when you feel fidgety or distracted, doing something active can release that energy. “Some schools walk laps of the playground in break time. Others start their classes with simple yoga and breathing. These help you to feel calm and focused,” she explains.

Find what works for you

You don’t need to play sport or go for long runs to enjoy the benefits of movement. Spend time outdoors, throw a Frisbee, play ballgames with friends, walk the dog or dance to music. These all make a positive difference. Lawrence suggests making a list of five types of movement that you enjoy. It doesn’t matter what they are – the aim is to find out what feels good for you. Then, if you suddenly notice you are restless or anxious, you can turn to your list of what you enjoy and get going.

 ?? ?? Movement can lift your mood.
SMARTMOVE shows that Research physically who are do people to more likely active are education. better in
Movement can lift your mood. SMARTMOVE shows that Research physically who are do people to more likely active are education. better in
 ?? ?? Find activities you enjoy.
Find activities you enjoy.

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