The Week

Best books… Benjamin Zephaniah


The poet Benjamin Zephaniah picks his favourite books. He has curated We Are All Human, a free exhibition of art by prisoners from the 2016 Koestler Awards, which is showing at London’s Southbank Centre until 13 November

Prisonomic­s: Behind Bars in Britain’s Failing Prisons

by Vicky Pryce, 2013 (Biteback £16.99). Economist Vicky Pryce used her time in jail to think about the cost of prison. From an ethical point of view, I sense a lot of people are locked up when they shouldn’t be. Pryce gives the economic reasons why they shouldn’t be put away.

Angry White People: Coming Face-to-face with

the British Far Right by Hsiao-hung Pai, 2016 (Zed Books £12.99). I wrote the foreword to this book which looks at the developmen­t of British racist organisati­ons. It is so relevant today post Brexit as we have just had lots of

angry white people expressing their views about Europe as well as a rise in racist attacks – which I have experience­d myself recently.

A Book of Nonsense by Mervyn Peake, 1972 (Peter Owen £9.99). When I was a child I didn’t read and I didn’t have any books read to me. But I loved poetry and I loved rhyming poetry. I always felt it had to be full of meaning but this book showed me that rhyming can make no sense and still be beautiful. The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery by Marjorie Spiegel, 1988 (out of print). I have a lot of friends who are into human rights

who don’t consider animal rights. And I have a lot of friends who are into animal rights who forget about human rights. This book makes the connection between the two. I am passionate about animal and human rights and this is one of the few books that unites my two passions.

Red Shelley by Paul Foot, 1980 (out of print). I spent a long time believing that Shelley was a dead white poet with nothing to say to me, but then I discovered that he was a rather revolution­ary chap with a crazy sex life. What I have learnt from reading this is that today Shelley would have probably been a hip-hop artist or in an indie band.

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