The Week

The Week’s guide to what’s worth seeing and reading


Showing now

Two big, free UK shows mark the centenary of the death of Edgar Degas. Drawn in Colour: Degas from the Burrell at the National Gallery, London WC2 (020-7747 2885) includes works from Glasgow’s fabulous Burrell Collection; ends 7 May 2018. While Degas: A Passion for Perfection, at The Fitzwillia­m Museum, Cambridge (01223-332900) combines the museum’s own large collection of Degas’s work with loans from around the world. Ends 14 January 2018.

The Real Thing at the Rose Theatre Kingston (020-8174 0090). Laurence Fox stars in this “sparkling revival” of Tom Stoppard’s comedy (The Stage). Until 14 October, then Malvern, Edinburgh, Brighton and Guildford.

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The Tate St Ives extension opens with Modern Art and St Ives, an exploratio­n of the town’s role in the story of modernism. 14 October7 January 2018 (01736-796226).

Rhys Ifans is Ebenezer Scrooge in Jack Thorne’s new adaptation of A Christmas Carol – Matthew Warchus directs. Recommende­d for ages 11+. 20 November-20 January 2018. The Old Vic, London SE1 (0844-871 7628).

Just out in paperback

The Road to Somewhere by David Goodhart (Penguin £9.99). A “shrewd” examinatio­n of the “yawning divide” in today’s Britain between footloose metropolit­an “anywheres” and older, poorer “somewheres” (Sunday Times).

 ??  ?? Degas’s Women in a Theatre Box (c.1885-1890)
Degas’s Women in a Theatre Box (c.1885-1890)

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