The Week

Wit & Wisdom


“When I came to the Treasury, they predicted to me that I would become the most unpopular man in Britain. This was the only correct forecast that the Treasury made in the several years that I was chancellor.” Norman Lamont, quoted in The Sunday Times “Never turn down a front row seat for human folly.” Nora Ephron, quoted in The Guardian “Brave men are all vertebrate­s; they have their softness on the surface and their toughness in the middle. But these modern cowards are all crustacean­s; their hardness is all on the cover, and their softness is inside.” G.K. Chesterton, quoted in The Washington Post “Politics boils down to the stories we tell ourselves. And unfortunat­ely, we tell ourselves different stories.” Historian Ron Chernow, quoted in Time “The other day I was thinking, ‘I just overthink things.’ And then I thought, ‘Do I, though?’” Comedian Demetri Martin, quoted in the Chicago Tribune “Life doesn’t imitate art, it imitates bad television.” Woody Allen, quoted on “A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain upon the affections.” George Eliot, quoted on Forbes

Statistics of the week

A single room in London is now worth more than an entire house in the Northeast. In 2016, the average London house price per habitable room was £132,926. The average house in the Northeast costs £131,000. Office for National Statistics

Around 45% of children in Britain today have no siblings. The Times

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