The Week

Classic Catalan desserts

Crema Catalana Quince cooked in vermouth

- Taken from Catalonia: Recipes from Barcelona and Beyond by José Pizarro, published by Hardie Grant at £25. To buy from The Week Bookshop for £22, call 020-3176 3835 or visit

I have experiment­ed with different flavours over the years, trying crema Catalana with coffee, cardamom, vanilla and more. But in the end, I think the traditiona­l one is the best, says restaurate­ur and chef José Pizarro. Serves 8 1 litre of whole milk pared zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange ½ small cinnamon stick 6 large free-range egg yolks 60g caster sugar, plus extra to caramelise 40g cornflour

• Put the milk, zest and cinnamon in a pan, bring to the boil then set aside to infuse for at least 1 hour. When infused and cold, strain through a fine sieve. • Beat the eggs and sugar together until thick and pale and fluffy, then beat in the infused milk and cornflour. Pour into a clean pan and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until you

have a thick custard. • Sieve into a jug, then pour into eight dishes or large ramekins. Chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours, or overnight, until completely set. • When ready to serve, sprinkle a layer of sugar over the top and caramelise quickly with a blowtorch, or under a very hot grill. Chill again for an hour and serve. I always cook quince in red wine or cava, with a few spices added too. I thought it was about time I gave vermut (vermouth) a try, given it’s such a traditiona­l drink in Catalonia. It was a bit of a revelation. Serves 8 4 quinces, peeled, cored and halved juice and pared zest of 1 lemon 650ml vermouth 200g caster sugar 12 cardamom pods a few sprigs of dried or fresh marjoram

• Put the quinces in a bowl of cold water with a little lemon juice to stop them discolouri­ng. • Put the vermouth, 600ml of water, the sugar, cardamom pods, marjoram and lemon zest in a pan and simmer until the sugar dissolves. Drain the quinces and add to the pan, cover with a piece of baking paper and simmer gently for

30-45 minutes until the quinces are tender when pierced with the tip of a knife. • Remove from the heat and set aside to cool in the liquid. Pour one-third of the cooking liquid into another pan and boil hard until it has reduced to a lovely syrup. • Serve the quince halves with the syrup. This is amazing with the crema Catalana.

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