The Week

Black knife crime


To The Guardian

It is acknowledg­ed that columnists like Afua Hirsch (“Rod Liddle is wrong about black deaths”) write stuff that is a reflection of their views; what is harder to accept is when those views are informed only by intellectu­al or prejudicia­l positions. Both Hirsch and Liddle arrive at conclusion­s about the causes of black teenage deaths (predominan­tly in London) without having had adequate (or perhaps any) experience of this tragedy on the ground.

Although the majority of black boys in London achieve well in school and thereafter,

a few things cannot be denied: black boys in London are massively over-represente­d in stabbings; black-on-black violence is significan­tly gangrelate­d; gangs in London are crime-focused; the age of recruitmen­t and grooming of young people for gang activity is dropping to primary school levels. Poverty and deprivatio­n (of life chances and opportunit­y) can drive boys and young men to violent criminal activity. When male role models for these boys are neighbourh­ood gang elders (often replacing absent fathers) and a “gangsta” culture prevails, the boys stand little chance of escaping.

Agencies must collaborat­e and intervene. When they do, and if it’s done right, the success and achievemen­t of these young people can be breathtaki­ng. Without exception, there are no lost causes, as long as we keep them alive. Julian Lee (executive head teacher in east London, 2010-18), Winchester, Hampshire

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