The Week

The end of the office Will we ever go back?


“Ever since the arrival of broadband in the early 2000s, people have been predicting a revolution in homeworkin­g,” said Joe Moran in The Observer. It always felt a bit oversold to me, too dismissive of our attachment to the physical world – what cyberpunks call “meatspace”; and, indeed, most of us continued to trudge into the office (in 2019, only 5% of us “mainly” worked from home). Then, in March, the “future arrived with a bump” as offices closed, and millions of workers were forced to master video-conferenci­ng and data-sharing platforms overnight. Now there is talk that some of those spaces may never reopen, said The Economist. Employers who used to be reluctant to allow working from home (WFH) have found their concerns about productivi­ty were unfounded, and are eyeing up massive cost savings on office rents. As for their staff, the British work some of the longest hours in Europe, and have the longest commutes. They’d surely welcome a more flexible approach.

It would be a boon to working mothers, and people with disabiliti­es, said Genevieve Roberts in the I newspaper. Parents have a right to request flexi-working, but many have been worried about doing so, given a pervasive culture of presenteei­sm. If digital working became the default, it could be a big leap to “genuine equality in the workplace”. But there remain serious questions about the impact on those who thrive in an office environmen­t – and there are plenty of them, said Tom Welsh in The Daily Telegraph. People with spacious homes and establishe­d careers might love to work at home. But for young people living in small flats, the office is not only a convivial environmen­t; it is a place where they can exchange ideas, pick up tips from more experience­d colleagues, learn about the wider corporate context – and show off their skills. All that is imperilled if their seniors aren’t there.

The appetite for home working may, in any case, be overstated, said Simon Usborne in The Guardian. In a recent poll, 60% of respondent­s said they’d go back to the office now if they could. Some people feel lonely working at home, and worn down by the lack of a clear work-life divide. Others feel stifled by the monitoring software firms are increasing­ly using to check staff are working. We have to accept that in future, more people will work at home at least some of the time. Offices will get smaller. But firms should be wary of closing them. Productivi­ty may hold up in the short term, but as staff morale sags, it could go into sharp reverse.

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 ??  ?? Some people thrive in “meatspace”
Some people thrive in “meatspace”

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