The Week

IT MUST BE TRUE… I read it in the tabloids


A business is selling bottled “Cornish sea air” for as much as £75 per 700ml bottle. Coast Capture Air says it offers “coastal air in its purest form” direct from Hartland Point in southwest England, and has won rave reviews from customers. “Well worth buying,” advised Feng Mian, from Beijing. “I purchase each month.” Others say they breathe the air during their “daily mindfulnes­s meditation”. Alas, the Cornish air may not be all it seems, reports the Devon Live website – as Hartland Point is actually over the border in Devon.

A runaway sheep has been rescued after spending years roaming the Australian bush – and growing a 35kg fleece in the process. The ram, named Baarack by rescuers, is of the Merino breed which do not shed their fleece, and was shorn of his massive coat after being found wandering in the heat of rural Victoria. “We truly believe that he understand­s what we have done for him has eased his life and turned it for the better,” said rescuers from Edgar’s Mission farm sanctuary. “Baarack can now see the world more clearly.”

A Chinese divorce court has ordered a man to pay £5,500 to his wife – as compensati­on for the housework she did during five years of marriage. In a landmark case, Beijing’s Fangshan district court ruled that the husband neglected his domestic duties, leaving his wife to do the housework and care for their child. Some social media users complained the payout was much too small. “I’m a bit speechless,” said one. “The work of a full-time housewife is being underestim­ated.“

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