The Week

It wasn’t all bad


An 86-year-old woman has been reunited with the wedding ring she lost in the 1960s, while gathering potatoes on the Hebridean island of Benbecula. When fellow islander Donald MacPhee learned about Peggy MacSween’s ring, he resolved to use his metal detector to find it -– but it was no easy task. The land is now a popular drinking spot, littered with ring pulls, and he dug 90 holes before finding the gold ring. MacPhee said she could hardly believe it when he turned up at her door with it.

A four-year-old boy who had his lower leg amputated when he was 15 months old has become one of the youngest people to scale Mount Snowdon. Albie-Junior Thomas – who was born with fibula hemimelia, a rare condition that left his foot deformed – ascended the 3,560ft peak with his father Daniel, following the tougher Pyg route. He got to the summit and back again in less than five hours, faster than the average adult. Albie says he plans one day to compete in the Paralympic­s. “Whatever Albie wants to do, we will do it,” said his father.

Book-lovers have donated thousands of pounds to prevent the closure of an independen­t bookshop in the Brecon Beacons. When her landlord told her that he was selling up, Emma Corfield-Walters, the owner of Book-ish in Crickhowel­l, was reluctant to appeal for help – but she could think of no other way of saving the shop and its employees’ jobs, so she started a GoFundMe campaign to help her buy the building. It has raised £27,000, outpacing her goal, and she now hopes to complete the sale within weeks.

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