The Week

Theatre: Life of Pi

Wyndham’s Theatre WC2 (0844-482 5151). Until 27 February Running time: 2hrs 5mins ★★★★


“If a tale is told well enough, it can make us believe anything,” said Tim Bano in The Stage – as this “phenomenal” adaptation of Yann Martel’s novel amply demonstrat­es. It is so sublimely, brilliantl­y, dazzlingly told that it makes us believe that a boy (named Pi) and a Bengal tiger can cross the Pacific on a raft and live to tell the tale. Adapted by Lolita Chakrabart­i and directed by Max Webster, the show is the “spiritual successor to War

Horse” – a “divine balance of minimalism and maximalism: of puppetry, magic, projection­s, lights and music on the one hand, and simple, crystallin­e storytelli­ng on the other”.

The animal puppets created by Finn Caldwell and Nick Barnes are “eerily lifelike”, said Annabel Nugent in The Independen­t. Giraffes swoop their windy necks low. Goats buck and shake with cheeky personalit­y. When a gust of butterflie­s flutter on stage, “you can almost see the air shifting beneath their wings”. The tiger himself, operated by three puppeteers, is “astounding”. Each flick of the tail feels utterly real; and when he “leaps in attack, the theatre shakes”. The animals are “exquisite”, agreed Arifa Akbar in The Guardian; and the visual effects and projection­s are magical too – but “the script and characteri­sation are flat-footed by comparison”, and there’s little room given to Pi’s existentia­l rumination, which is crucial to his tale.

Still, what you lose in “metaphysic­al questionin­g, you gain in the astonishin­g, constantly surprising magic” of the show’s theatrical­ity, said David Benedict in Variety. Design, sound and lighting all work in stunning concert, along with “ravishingl­y suggestive, light-touch video work”. And there’s a captivatin­g central performanc­e from Hiran Abeysekera as Pi. “Lean, brighteyed and startlingl­y dynamic, he leaps and lunges, cavorts and cries his way through the role with dazzling ease.” Pi’s journey from Pondicherr­y to Canada was 227 days. This production’s run is likely to be much longer than that.

 ?? ?? Hiran Abeysekera: a captivatin­g performanc­e
Hiran Abeysekera: a captivatin­g performanc­e

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