The Week

Tesla: Musk claims pay deal victory


“Hot damn, I love you guys!” said a jubilant Elon Musk as he appeared on stage just after Tesla shareholde­rs voted to reinstate his astronomic­al pay package. The share options award – which has fallen in value from $56bn to $44-46bn, in line with the electric carmaker’s declining shares – isn’t yet in the bag, said Al Jazeera: it doesn’t reverse the January ruling of a Delaware judge that the package is excessive. But it “could bolster Tesla’s appeal”. In a second win for the tycoon, shareholde­rs also approved proposals to move the firm’s incorporat­ion from Delaware to the more easy-going regime of Texas.

The vote followed months of lobbying which saw Musk, who had threatened to quit the car company if thwarted, ranged against the influentia­l proxy adviser Glass Lewis, and institutio­nal investors including Norway’s gigantic sovereign wealth fund.

But Wall Street clearly “thinks Tesla’s value is tied to keeping Musk happy”, said DealBook in The New York Times. Big-hitting supporters included Vanguard and BlackRock. More fool them, said Danny Fortson in The Sunday Times. When Musk was in empire-building mode in 2018, he was “worth every penny” of the biggest share incentive package in history. That’s a moot point now that he splits his attention between six different companies and is “surrounded by sycophants” endorsing his increasing­ly suspect choices.

The “big loser” in this affair could be Delaware itself, said The Wall Street Journal. Some two-thirds of America’s S&P 500 firms are incorporat­ed in this tiny state, with its “specialise­d” courts. By voting to quit, Tesla shareholde­rs “could be ratifying the view” that “Delaware’s shareholde­r protection­s have gone too far”. Musk fancies himself as a pied piper. It will be intriguing to see who follows him.

 ?? ?? Musk: “worth every penny”?
Musk: “worth every penny”?

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