Wokingham Today

The blame game is beginning to unfold

- John Blaney Wokingham

To misquote – “the first victim of pandemic is the truth”. Just months from the outbreak of coronaviru­s, the fingerpoin­ting, ‘not me gov’ blame game is beginning to unfold.

From supplies of personal protection equipment (PPE), delays in testing in hospitals, care homes and for other essential frontline workers, conflictin­g statistics (with which you can prove anything you want to prove), stable door decision taking, broken promises and advice which appears to change with almost daily regularity, are all now issues being placed in the spotlight.

No one denies that much of what has been achieved has been other than remarkable or that the difficulti­es faced have been anything less than, to use the political disclaimer, unpreceden­ted.

Neverthele­ss, they are along with other matters requiring cold light of day scrutiny and accountabi­lity.

The economic cost of Covid-19 will prove enormous. Its cost in human terms heart-braking.

Is it possible that after so much pain and suffering the words of Georg Wilhelm

Friedrich Hegel that “the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history” will be proved wrong?

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