Wokingham Today

Here for the community

- Father Richard Lamey is the rector of St Paul’s Church in Wokingham, writing on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

EASTER is always the most important time of year for Christians.

All we have recently gone through and are still going through, as individual­s and as a community together in Wokingham, made Easter even more moving this year

Add to this the fact that we were able to meet together in person for worship on Palm Sunday for the first time since mid-December (keeping to the rules of social distancing of course) and it’s clear why Easter felt especially important this year.

And, specifical­ly in our case, add in the fact that an incident of arson saw considerab­le damage made to some of the holy things in the building.

All of these things came together to give a focus to our keeping of Holy Week and Easter this year, balancing the tragedy of Good Friday (as we focused on the fact that every one of us is flawed and damaged) with the joy of Easter Day (that love wins in the end and death and fear and pain will be scattered).

Easter is about proclaimin­g the victory of hope and love and light and joy and life over death and shadows and selfishnes­s and cruelty and injustice.

The events of the last year make those truths even more important – and so have the events of the last few days.

We continue to pray for people who come into Church with needs – and we are committed to continue to being there for the whole community, as we have tried to be throughout the last year and before.

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