This England

Routemaste­r Rejoicings Churchill’s Reply Children’s Cinema


Sir: The photo of a broken-down Boris bus (“Nelson’s Column”, Winter, 2015) reminded me of a pleasant incident whilst visiting London, a couple of years ago. Some friends of mine were kindly hosting me and advised me to take a number 15 bus to Piccadilly to begin a day’s exploratio­n.

Imagine my delight when my transport turned out to be a 1964 Routemaste­r. I jumped on board and, sitting on the long seat downstairs, I was reminded of the buses of half-a-century ago. Leather seats, passenger running board, gleaming chrome work, two-tone paint finish and a conductor. I chatted to the conductor as the bus buzzed happily along, truly a master of its environmen­t. A photo of a red Routemaste­r instantly means London as much as one of Big Ben, or Piccadilly. — Sir: I came across the “Italy Veterans” letter (“Post Box”, Winter 2015) where mention was made of a British tin hat. This brought back a memory that has always made me smile.

Dad joined the Home Guard at the beginning of the war when they weren’t very well equipped. My mother was somewhat miffed by this and wrote a letter to Winston Churchill asking why the Home Guard did not have tin hats. A letter was received back from Winston’s secretary to say that when the troops at the front had all been issued with “steel helmets” then the Home Guard would get theirs! — SYLVIA

LAWER, UPPER HUTT, NEW ZEALAND. Sir: I thoroughly enjoyed “Saturday Morning Cinema” ( This England’s Annual 2016). It took me back to 1938/39 when I would line up, with all the other

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