Today's Golfer (UK)



Address Central ball position, plenty of loft

Use your set-up to promote a gentle downward blow, where the sole of the club merely bruises the turf after the ball is struck. Play the ball centrally to create some subtle shaft lean. Pick a lofted wedge – around 54º works well – and open the face slightly. Feel a little extra pressure under the ball of your lead foot.

Backswing Weight stays forward

Play this shot with a brisk, purposeful rhythm. You need to squeeze down on the ball, and any lateral sway or falling behind the ball will compromise that. So as you swing back, maintain that lead-foot pressure; this will help hold you over the ball and make the task of hitting slightly down significan­tly easier.

Impact Bruise the turf

Spin is created when you engineer a difference between the club’s impact loft and the swing’s attack angle. A moderate downward strike, with the club’s set-up loft preserved, can create plenty of spin if you play the shot with a crisp rhythm. Bruise the turf after impact, and feel the club stays low as it exits the strike.

Throughswi­ng Release through with everything

Avoid a hands-and-arms-only release of the club; this will tend to rotate the face shut, reducing loft and spin. Instead, keep your body rotating tight through to the end of the swing; it helps to follow the ball with your eyes. This will preserve loft right through the shot, and help you create the spin you need to get the ball to stop after the first bounce.

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