Today's Golfer (UK)


Harness speed creation


Every club golfer wants to generate as much club speed as possible, but there aren’t many who understand how it’s done. It’s this lack of clarity that causes inconsiste­ncy on a grand scale, with a constant search for those few extra miles per hour playing havoc with rhythm, coordinati­on and timing. So let’s make this simple: focus on the two most basic and effective speed generators – core rotation and wrist cock – to fire speed into a consistent framework.


Core rotation is literally at the centre of smooth and effective power. When we learn to pivot correctly, we create the conditions for the arms and club to flow with freedom and power. Try this simple exercise.

Address: Picture box

Take your regular stance and set-up posture, but fold your arms in front of you as shown, stacking one forearm on top of the other. Tilt your shoulders slightly so that your lead side is slightly higher. Picture a rectangula­r box shape formed by your shoulders, chest and arms.

Backswing: Carry the box away

From there, rotate to ‘carry’ that box away from the target. Keep your head level as you turn. This will help you get the feeling of ‘loading up’ or coiling your upper body over your lower half, your weight centred over your trail side.

Throughswi­ng: Box to target

The throughswi­ng should feel like a role reversal. While the upper body turned the box away from the target, it’s your lower half that pulls your chest around to face it. So feel your hips and pelvis rotate, dragging the chest and ‘box’ with it.


Repeat this drill several times – slowly at first, before adding some speed. Note how accelerati­ng core rotation could help you release – increasing speed, through the arms, into the club. Known as centrifuga­l force, this is powerful, controllab­le and encourages sound swing mechanics. If you want consistent speed, keep core rotation at the heart of your golf swing.

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