Today's Golfer (UK)


Eight ways to freshen up your weekly roll up and make some money on the course


For a game that is anything but predictabl­e, it’s ironic that most golf competitio­ns follow the traditiona­l strokeplay, Stableford or matchplay format. Of course, we like them as much as the next golfer, but there are dozens of ways you can liven things up and add some competitiv­e fun to your next round of golf. That’s why we’ve picked out eight underused golf games and scoring systems for you and your playing partners to try in 2024.

Bingo Bango Bongo

It may sound like a cheesy pop song, but it’s actually a points-based betting game where scoring well doesn’t necessaril­y win you the match. On each hole, points are awarded for three separate achievemen­ts. The first is given to the player who gets on the green first. The second is awarded to the player who is closest to the pin once all the balls are on the green. The third is given to the player who holes out first. There are 54 points up for grabs, so just be mindful when setting the betting stake.

On The Perch (aka Chairman)

A game in which a player has to get on the perch to score a point – but his opponents are striving to knock him off. The game begins with the perch empty. The first player to win a hole outright takes the perch. If they win the next hole outright, they score a point. But if someone else wins that hole outright, they then take the perch and have the chance to score. If the player on the perch halves the hole, they stay there but with no points scored. If any of the other players halve the hole, the player is knocked off and the perch becomes empty. Points are hard to come by, which usually keeps things interestin­g right until the end of the round. Whoever wins the most holes takes the bragging rights – and the money.


A variant of traditiona­l pairs matchplay where both players tee off and the opposing team decides which ball is played next. Alternate shots are then played for the rest of the hole.

Cha Cha Cha

No, it’s not a dance. It’s a twist on a traditiona­l fourball format with only the best ball counting on the 1st hole, the two best on the 2nd, and three best on the 3rd. The process repeats so that you only count the best score on the 4th and so on.

Split Sixes

A hybrid version of Skins for a group of three golfers. As the name suggests, there are six points at stake on every hole.

If someone wins it outright, they get four points. The second-best score gets two points and the third gets none. If the hole is won and the other players halve, then the allocation of points is 4-1-1. If two players halve and beat the third, then it’s 3-3-0. Don’t fret, it’s easier than it sounds.


This takes ‘pick and place’ to a new level. The idea is that you can ditch your less-than-desirable shot for someone else’s in your group on any given hole. Just move your ball to where the other shot finished and play your next shot from there. To keep the peace, make sure you decide on the number of Metoos allowed before you begin your round.

No Alibis

This is great for erasing any bad shots as it converts your handicap into the number of mulligans you receive. The only caveat is that you cannot replay a shot twice. Everyone then plays off scratch and the lowest score on each hole wins.


This rips up the rulebook and gives you freedom to use your handicap strokes on any hole(s) you want – so long as you announce it before teeing off. There is no limit on how many strokes you may use at one time, so tactics play a big part.

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